
How can I not comment on the most watched Presidential debate ever? There were 84 million people watching the debate. It was up against Monday night football and in my temporary town, thecanstockphoto10414040 Cleveland Indians were clinching the American Central championship.

For women who have dealt with blatant and subtle sexism throughout their lives and careers, it was the ultimate show.

As my twitter feed and Facebook filled with commentary Monday night and all day Tuesday, the gender politics came into focus.

 “Sexism is a man screaming he has a better temperament than a woman who has been patiently waiting to speak after being interrupted 10 times.” A tweet from @nickpraynerr shared by Hostile Politics

“Finally the whole country will watch as a woman stands politely listening to a loud man’s bad ideas about the field she spent her life in.” A tweet from Alexandra petri @petridishes shared by Being Liberal

“And now, a completely unprepared man will interrupt a highly prepared woman, 51 times, only to prove he actually has very little to say!” Ezra Klein sharing a video clip from Vox to prove it.

“To the men amazed Clinton hasn’t snapped: Every woman you know has learned to do this. This is our life in society.” A tweet from E. Van Every shared by New York Times

The headline that really grabbed me was this one – “Tonite’s US presidential debate will be shown in gender studies classes for years to come.”  (From  Yes, it will be quite a case study to dissect for future generations.

This one goes beyond commentary and gives some good advice – “Next time you think about interrupting a woman in a business meeting, think about how Trump looked tonight.” A tweet from Rob Bailey @RMB

I have written about women and work, the challenges of balancing career and family, and encouraging girls to pursue STEM careers. My unfaltering support for women’s issues should be no surprise.

For all the men who “get it” and routinely show support and respect for the women in their lives and their female colleagues at work, I am most grateful. It is way past the time for men and women to stand together and fight sexism in all its forms in whatever situation we find ourselves. We are better than this. And we owe it to ourselves, our children and our grandchildren.


Harvard Business Review – Why Hillary Clinton Gets Interrupted More than Donald Trump, by Francesca Gino


4 thoughts on “Manterrupting

  1. Jay Roberts on said:

    Nice post. I’m constantly shocked, especially women I know in our business, that is still behind this guy. Political fault lines run deep….very deep.

  2. What’s weird is, the vast majority of men don’t realize they’re doing it. They’ve been socialized that that’s normal and acceptable. Bravo to those men who’ve learned otherwise.

    And then there’s the cousin of Manterrupting, which is White-terrupting. Most people, and I mean overwhelmingly most people, don’t realize they’re doing it. But try this if you’d check “Caucasian” or “white” on a demographics form. Next you’re in a meeting or conversation with people of different races, every time you want to speak, wait a while. Three times as long as you think you should is a good guideline. Pay attention to what happens, what you experience, and who talks.

    You’ll benefit from hearing the contributions of people who might not have been able to speak before.

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