Another year, another chance

Whatever resolutions or goals, personal or professional, you had in 2017 – it’s time to revisit, revise, and recommit. The most common ones are go to the gym, eat healthy, lose weight, read more, watch less TV, canstockphoto24043991 (002) NYEspend more time with your family, get organized.

And then there are bigger, loftier goals. My daughter has a saying on the wall of her home office, “Do Something Great Today”. It means doing something bigger than herself.  For her, it is helping her company act more responsibly, to act more sustainably. It is a great motivator to live her values and find ways to have a greater impact.

She also has her personal mission statement on her office wall – “live a life that I’d want for my two daughters”. If she wants something for them, then she must do the same – like be healthy or be a good friend.

I was inspired by a Happy New Year post on LinkedIn from Vicki Davis, VP at Healthcare IT Leaders. She said, “No matter what life has for us, we should enjoy every minute of it. Celebrate the beginning of a new year the most, as it is a clean slate. Set positive goals and resolutions. Hang them where you can see them every hour of the new year. Choose your actions and words wisely this year so that you are remembered as a good human being, a great friend and a true guide when you end this year.”

We all are driven by different motivations. But fundamentally, I believe we all want to be good people and do good for others.

I look forward to another year of learning and making a difference through my client work and the non-profit organizations where I volunteer my time. With my colleagues at StarBridge Advisors, we work with organizations to advance healthcare by leveraging technology.

While I have yet to formulate any bigger than me goals for this year, I am recommitting to some basic resolutions. They revolve around the common themes I started this post with. When you verbalize your resolutions and goals, and share them with others, you are more likely to achieve them. So, here are the basics I am willing to openly share.

Read more – I read a lot of articles over the course of the week and share some of the best on social media. But I also tend to flag a lot of articles online to read later. It’s the new version of having a stack of paper publications piled up to read when I have time. Thinking I need to put a weekly reading appointment (or two) in my calendar.

Stay organized – During the slow week between the holidays I cleared and organized my desk. The sense of calm and being free from the distraction of piles is beyond words. Yes, I did put some stuff out of sight that I still need to deal with. The challenge now is to maintain the new.

Keep up with email – I admire those people who keep up on their email and have an empty inbox at the end of the day. People tell me that I am generally very responsive. But I know I fall behind. Probably time for me to review my own email tips from the past.

Maintain gym routine – I’m currently in a routine of at least 4 times a week including cardio and weights. I add a 30-minute dog walk every day the weather and my schedule allow. Single digit temps make this one hard. Like a lot of people, I go in spurts with the gym but fall off when I’m out of town. But for now, I’m in the groove. And FitBit challenges are great motivators!

Eat less – Last June, I discovered the framework of Weight Watchers online with the handy mobile app was just what I needed. I made good steady progress for several months and then relaxed a bit over the holidays. I know how to do it and I’m back counting points as of this week.

Make more time for fun – Sounds simple, but we all get busy. I see my family, especially my grandkids, more often now. That’s why we moved back to New England in 2016. But when you move, making new friends is a challenge –  I’m working on it.

We are all imperfect, but strive to improve. What are some of your resolutions for 2018? Are you ready to do great things this year?

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4 thoughts on “Another year, another chance

  1. Rich Pollack on said:

    Thanks Sue and Happy New Year.
    Your commentaries are always incite-full. I share some of the same resolutions such as getting in shape, eating healthier and organizing my office.

    I’ve also made it a point to start to reconnect with old friends and am committed to completing a long deferred personal project that I finally started on over the holidays. Namely bringing order out of chaos for the nearly 1.5TB of digital photos I have (including scanning old photo albums to digital). It’s gratifying to see the progress I’m making but also wonderful to relive memories of travel and events from years ago.

    As a grandparent that lives too far from his grand-kids, I’m going to make an extra effort to Skype more often with them and plan some trips to Syracuse (after the snow is gone).

    • Sue Schade on said:

      Rich, thanks for sharing some of your resolutions. The digital photo organizing is a great goal! One I need as well. Very apparent need when try to find best photos to make a family calendar. I found FaceTime to be better than Skype with the grandkids when lived far – loved the impromptu aspect of it.

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