Tune in: recommendations for IT podcasts

How do you keep up with industry news? Do you have a favorite online publication? Are you a reader or a listener? I find myself struggling to keep up with everything I want to read. But I’m doing better, now, with canstockphoto33796857 podcastat least tracking on the headlines and top industry news stories.

For all you busy multi-taskers who may be looking for an alternate way to educate yourself and stay current, 20-30 minute podcasts are a great option. Whether you’ve got a long daily commute, need something to listen to while working out at the gym or while walking the dog, consider listening to podcasts.

Here are some podcast series worth checking out:

This Week in Health IT – This is a new program launched by Bill Russell, CEO at Health Lyrics, focusing on news of the week and a topic of interest. He publishes online every Friday afternoon. I was honored to be on the program last week. We covered the Amazon, JP Morgan, Berkshire Hathaway announcement and the Apple health records app story. Both are examples of the disruptive forces we are seeing in healthcare. Bill and I also talked about the evolving role of the CIO and shared our favorite social media posts of the week.

HealthSystemCIO.com – Anthony Guerra and Kate Gamble have been conducting extensive one-on-one interviews with CIOs for several years. They publish them online as multi-chapter series. These interviews provide insight and experiences for everyone in health IT.  And if you’d rather read the interviews, they are also available as full transcripts.

Diva Tech Talk (formerly called Digital Divas) – These podcasts profile women in technology from all industries through one-on-one interviews. The challenges of women IT leaders are similar in every industry. The accomplishments and lessons learned are inspiring for both men and women. They also share stories on girls in STEM.

And then there are many topical podcast series like the ones on Mark Graban’s Lean Blog which focuses on healthcare. I have learned a lot from Mark’s insightful lectures based on his experience working with many different organizations. He covers topics such as daily huddles, visual management, gemba walks, the role of the leader in a lean organization, and more.

If you have your own favorite podcast sources or series, please share with me.


This Week in Health IT


Diva Tech Talk

Mark Graban’s Lean Blog

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