Hotels, healthcare and the DMV

What do these experiences have in common? Customer service – good or bad. I’ve experienced all three in the past two weeks – good and bad.canstockphoto20052265 (002) customer service

It started with the Rhode Island DMV. Rhode Island is a small state of 1,200 square miles and a population of just over 1 million. There is one central DMV. Yes, there are several satellite offices but something as simple as renewing your driver’s license can’t happen at a satellite. And in certain circumstances, online renewal is not an option. That was the case for my husband and I who got our first Rhode Island drivers licenses a year ago. We had to renew in person before our respective birthdays. Not sure why, it’s like we were on probation as Rhode Island residents for a year. Who knows. But rules are rules.

So, we headed over to the central DMV location first thing on a Monday morning to do a simple transaction. We needed to be out in a short time for later commitments later that morning. Silly us.

We arrived just 20 minutes after they opened and found about 150 people ahead of us in the generic “check-in” line. What?? Busier than usual because it was Patriots Day in neighboring Massachusetts, so more Rhode Island people took the day off? Was it the beginning of spring break, so kids were out of school? Or just a typical Monday?

It took us 70 minutes just to get through that check-in line. Then we waited about 45 minutes for our number to be called. Once it was our turn, it was just a 5-7 minute transaction for each of us. Our paperwork was reviewed and updated in their system; we gave them a check. A new photo was taken, and a temporary driver’s license was printed to use until a new one would be sent in the mail. I had hoped for an online task, but it took 3 hours, including the drive there and back.

Tuesday, I had a long overdue doctor appointment. I set myself up again with my former Boston based PCP at Brigham and Women’s Health. I can’t say enough positive about the actual visit, the ease of scheduling and registration in advance, the check-in once there, and the quality time the doctor spent with me. The proactive follow-up calls started the next day – from a specialist and two procedural areas who had received orders from the visit and were ready to get me scheduled in with them. I feel like I’m back in a system that cares about me and that I can easily navigate.

Wednesday, it was on to a Marriott resort in Florida for a week-long vacation with our family, including the four grandkids. This is where customer service shines. Every single person regardless of their job greets you, is willing to help you, and genuinely wants to make sure you are having a great vacation experience. And we did!

So, what are those basic customer service attributes we all look for and appreciate in these kinds of interactions?

High touch – direct, real-time in person or phone connection with someone showing genuine interest in serving you vs talking to a machine

Proactive – someone checking in if you need something before you even ask or helping you get something scheduled for the future

Ease – simple, easy to follow, uncomplicated processes to get something done

Convenient – nearby service if it is in person, or even better yet available online from home

Accessible – when you need it and when you are available without having to take time off from work or wait months for an appointment

In healthcare organizations, the move towards digital health and the overall emphasis on service excellence are customer driven. In all parts of our lives, we have come to expect no less.

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4 thoughts on “Hotels, healthcare and the DMV

  1. Kit Sikora on said:

    I am dreading my DMV visit here. I have to renew my driver’s license this year. AZ licenses have not been considered federal real id’s in the past so I am hoping to get one this time. I don’t wish to carry my passport each time I travel domestically. Of all the items required the last has become the most problematic. I must prove, with items such as utility bills received through the postal service, that I am an AZ resident. I have gone paperless with almost all of those things. I will be taking a few other items I have received in the mail; EOB’s from health insurance + some prescription paperwork and an auto insurance policy (which I will need to print from online.). Wish me luck. I want to get this done before we head to the mountains.

  2. Rich Pollack on said:

    Hey Sue (and Kit), when we finally all get self driving cars, can we then avoid the DMV as superfluous?


    • Sue Schade on said:

      Rich, self driving cars is a whole other thing to worry about but I believe it will eventually be mainstream.

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