12 more days – forward together

Pipe bombs sent via U.S. mail to critics of the president have dominated the news cycle for two days. These targets include former presidents, a former vice president, a former secretary of state and acanstockphoto5429849 (1) vote congresswoman. The person or group behind this domestic terrorism is still unknown. But we all know we are living in an ugly, divisive time in the history of our country. What have we become?

As the midterms approach, the divisiveness of the past several years has increased. Can we ever come together again?

We all can make a choice on who we want to represent us. The right to vote is fundamental to our democracy yet women and black people did not have this right until many years later. And we know that gaining that right was a hard fight. Fast forward to 2018 and voter suppression is rampant in several states. This makes your vote all that more critical.

If you live in an early voting state, you can exercise your right to vote any day through November 6th. If you do not, then you need to make time to cast your vote on November 6th.

There are many organizations and initiatives focused on getting people out to vote. When We All Vote is a new, non-partisan not-for-profit organization bringing together people to focus on our rights and responsibilities to shape our democracy. As they say, when we all vote, we can change the world. The good news is that early voting states are showing very high turnouts compared to previous elections.

Remember that the presidential election in 2016 was decided by less than half of the eligible voters. There is no electoral college at play in the midterms. Every vote counts!

Two years ago, I was filled with optimism leading up to the presidential election yet disappointed beyond words with the results. But I wanted to be optimistic in the following days. I wanted to believe the divisiveness would end and our president would try to be a president for all people.

I reread my post “Forward together” from November 11, 2016 this week. My optimism has waned and for good reason in the past two years. But I will vote again in 11 days and continue to look to the future. I encourage you to do the same.

Related Posts and Resources:

When We All Vote

Forward together

Build bridges, not walls

Who do we want to be?

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