2018 Countdown – top 10 blog posts

It’s the time of year for top 10 lists and countdowns so I’m adding mine to the mix. These are my most read blog posts from 2018. If you missed any of them first time around now is your chance to check them Top10out.

I cover a range of topics and it looks like readers appreciate the variety. Here are the top 10 as measured by total views with a countdown from number 10:

#10 – Find your voice, a mentor and be bold – Career advice is always a popular topic whether you are early or late in your career.

#9 – What does a high value conference look like? – There are many ways to spend time and money on professional development, some conferences provide unique value.

#8 – Family ties – we all have a story – It’s important to know where we come from to understand who we are.

#7 – Technology making a difference at scale – One of my personal favorites! The power of technology takes many forms. In Africa, drones can be lifesaving.

#6 – 8 Signs of a strong security culture – Security is always a topic of interest as threats continue to increase and organizations are challenged to keep up.

#5 – What keeps you up at night – the wrong question – As my StarBridge Advisors colleague, David Muntz, says, nothing keeps CIOs up at night. They are too exhausted from everything on their plate. Healthcare CIOs share many of the same challenges and priorities.

#4 – Tune in: recommendations for IT podcasts – 2018 seemed to be the year of the podcast. So many great choices for continual learning and staying current. Special shout out to Bill Russell who successfully launched a new “must listen to” weekly podcast this year – This Week in Health IT.

#3 – Make career choices right for you – Remember that you and only you own your career.

#2 – Never underestimate the power of a woman – The title says it all.

#1 – Physician satisfaction with EHRs – This is an issue we must address for the sake of our clinicians and patients. I expect it will be a high priority for healthcare organizations in 2019

Lean is a topic I’ve covered numerous times in previous years. The top two blog posts of all time are on lean in case you want to check them out:

6 tips for successful huddle boards

Leadership huddles: not just another meeting

If you liked a specific post from 2018, please share it with a colleague. If you like what you see overall, it’s easy to subscribe. Just click the subscribe button.

As always, I am grateful to all my readers, old or new, regular subscriber or casual reader. I am honored by your interest in what I have to share. My weekly blog has had well over 100,000 views since I started in mid-2014. It takes time to build and keep a following. I strive to provide timely, interesting, relatable and digestible content. Your feedback and comments are greatly appreciated. If you have a favorite post or idea for future topics, please let me know.

And if you are looking to add a new blog to your reading routine, check out our StarBridge Advisors blog, “View From the Bridge”, and consider subscribing to it. We publish every few weeks. Topics covered in the past year include physician engagement, interim management, high performing teams, cybersecurity, innovation, analytics, ONC updates, and selective outsourcing.

Wishing you all a very happy, healthy new year!

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