Never too busy to take care of ourselves

I have been impressed with my University of Vermont Health Network colleagues this summer on many fronts. Not the least of which is their level of physical activity. All summer I’ve heard about long bike rides, YourHealthYourChoicehiking, kayaking, mountain climbing and even a relay race overnight through the woods, called Ragnar.

They have motivated me to get back into my own workout regimen. Something I put on the back burner for three months. The last time I’d been to the gym was the week before I started this interim engagement in late May. I’ve been walking every night for 20-30 minutes but that is not the same as cardio and weight training at the gym. Classic story – you get busy and something must give. In my case, it was my workout routine.

Happy to say I started back at the gym two weeks ago and have worked it into my weekend and weeknight routine. Does it mean a few emails might not get answered some evening? Yes. But it’s critical to maintain balance and take care of ourselves – especially during busy periods. And especially when you are away from home in a hotel room each night where it’s all too easy to work until you turn the lights out for the night.

If one of my busiest colleagues who is routinely doing email very late at night can get up early and do a 20 mile bike ride before work, then I can make time to get to the gym a few nights a week.

We are about 60 days from our big Epic go live on November 1. It will only get more stressful and busier from here on, not less. As a leader, helping others maintain balance is best done if we too maintain balance in our lives.

Labor Day weekend marks the end of summer. In the north, it is a reminder that snow is not far away. Sounds crazy knowing that a beautiful, cool fall is yet to come. I expect outside physical activity will shift for all my Vermont colleagues. I look forward to new stories from them as summer comes to an end and they shift to their cooler weather activity.

One of my goals while in Burlington is to walk along Lake Champlain at sunset for 30-40 minutes at least one night each week. Along with exercise it’s an awesome and calming sight with the Adirondack Mountains across the lake. I’ll continue with that weekly goal this Fall as well – will just have to start packing a sweater each week.

Enjoy this final weekend of the summer!Sunset pix Burlington

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