Most popular blogs in 2019

It’s the new year and time for top 10 lists and countdowns so I’m adding mine to the mix. These are my most read blog posts in 2019. If you missed any of them first time around now is your chance to check them out.

I am a practitioner and always willing to share experiences pulling lessons from everything that I do. I continue to cover a range of topics from leadership to women and work to technology and healthcare. It looks like my readers appreciate the variety. Here are the top 10 as measured by total views:

A passion for health care – a classic one from previous years about why we do what we do

6 tips for successful huddle boards – another classic from previous years that doesn’t go out of style

“We’re at meeting norms” – this one is about best practices I learned from my IT colleagues during my interim CTO engagement at University of Vermont Health Network (UVMHN) this past year.

10 best practices for project success – another one from my experience at UVMHN as we approached the November Epic Go Live.

Where do new ideas come from? – another back to the classics from a previous year.

Develop women leaders, transform leadership – at StarBridge Advisors, we launched a new service early in 2019 call C-Change focused on developing women leaders in health IT.

Outsourcing in health IT – is it time to reconsider? – the title says it all.

Confidence matters as much as competence – an important message for women. And for more on this, the best article on this subject is “The Confidence Gap” by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman.

Getting ready for 2020 – 10 steps for health IT leaders – I highlighted the blog written by my StarBridge Advisors colleague, David Muntz, “10 Steps to Prepare for 2020 – Big Challenges – Bigger Opportunities”.

10 Go Live Command Center lessons from the field – another one from my experience at UVMHN following our November Epic Go Live.

If you liked a specific post from 2019 or earlier years, please share it with a colleague. If you like what you see overall, it’s easy to subscribe. Just click the subscribe button.

As always, I am grateful to all my readers, old or new, regular subscriber or casual reader. I am honored by your interest in what I share. My weekly blog has had well over 120,000 views since I started in mid-2014. It takes time to build and keep a following. I strive to provide timely, interesting, relatable and digestible content. Your feedback and comments are greatly appreciated. If you have a favorite post or idea for future topics, please let me know.

And if you are looking to add a new blog to your reading routine, check out our StarBridge Advisors blog, “View From the Bridge”, and consider subscribing to it. We publish every few weeks. Topics covered in the past year include social determinants of health (SDOH), outsourcing, patient centered care, career advancement, effective meetings, IT alignment and changes in the c-suite.

Wishing you all a very happy, healthy new year!

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