COVID-19: Health IT collaboration and best practices

We are an industry that shares best practices and continually learns from one another. As we all deal with uncharted territory, that sharing is needed more than ever before. In conversations with healthcare CIOs it

Message from Brigham and Women’s Hospital OR nurses: #StayHome

is obvious that the amount of work currently being undertaken by health IT teams is extraordinary.

In that spirit, this week I’m highlighting several resources that might be useful to health IT teams:

Through ThisWeekInHealthIT Bill Russell has produced valuable podcasts for health IT professionals for the past two years, interviewing healthcare executives and IT leaders across the country. Last week he pivoted to focus on COVID-19 with two new services:

COVID-19 Resources is a page dedicated to COVID-19 resources during this time. It’s a resource site for health IT teams when they are asked to stand up a relevant technology or implement a technology enabled process. Visit the page now to see what’s already been shared. And you can help him help others. Just forward any resources for health IT that you are willing to share to Bill at

Podcast interviews with health IT leaders on the front lines of the pandemic who are willing to share some of their preparedness challenges, lessons and best practices:

COVID-19 Prep with Baptist Health KY

  • Standing on the lessons of the past
  • Protecting the care providers during COVID-19

COVID-19 Prep with Asante Health OR

  • Establishing communication in crisis
  • Preparedness huddles
  • Prioritization of IT work
  • Leadership skills needed

Drex and Bill discuss COVID-19 Preparedness

  • Security, Website, Telehealth, Leadership

Health IT Coronavirus Prep with Stanford Children’s

  • A CTO conversation around platforms in crisis and scaling up infrastructure

Health IT Coronavirus Prep with Baptist Health, Jacksonville

  • A coordinated response
  • Establishing a single point of truth
  • Using the tools you have available

Health IT Coronavirus Prep with Monument Health

  • A Regional approach
  • Vendors during a time of crisis
  • Leading well in crisis

Health IT Coronavirus Prep with David Chou

  • Lessons from overseas
  • How does this change things in the future

Health IT Coronavirus Prep with Medical University of South Carolina

  • Leveraging Telehealth

Bill wants to highlight more health system best practices. If you are open to sharing your work in preparation for the pandemic please let him know at His interview framework is straightforward:

  • What is your system doing to prepare?
  • What are you in health IT doing to support the efforts of your system and/or community?
  • What is one thing that you think other systems might benefit from what you’ve learned thus far?

Starting today, there will be two new offerings that StarBridge Advisors has partnered on with Bill as a ThisWeekinHealthIT sponsor to provide expertise to health IT teams facing common challenges:

  • A slack channel that is monitored and supported by all the sponsors – VMware, Galen Healthcare, Sirius Healthcare, StarBridge Advisors, Pro Talent Advisors, and Health Lyrics. The slack channel allows you to get your questions answered.  For example – can my telehealth solution scale, we are having trouble with VDI, etc.  If you want access, send a note to and he will get you setup immediately.
  • The sponsors are also supporting an email channel at  If you just want to shoot an email over it will get routed to an expert in your area from the group of sponsors.

HIMSS Coronavirus Update is a compilation of relevant stories and articles to keep you informed.

Advisory Board is a trusted healthcare resource that you may already know if your organization has a membership. Their COVID-19 resources and best practice information appears to be accessible to all regardless of membership.

Social media is a powerful and positive tool when used for good. I am trying my best to share informative articles and stories from front-line healthcare workers on both LinkedIn and Twitter. One of the people I suggest you follow is Dr. Richard Zane, Chief Innovation Officer and Executive Director, Emergency Services at UC Healthfollow him on LinkedIn. He has spoken with passion and clarity about what is needed from all of us.

And to help us understand what our healthcare front line workers are dealing with, Dr. Atul Gawande wrote an excellent article in The New Yorker, Keeping the Coronavirus from Infesting Healthcare Workers.

Our health system leaders are keeping the safety of their employees in mind while ensuring that patients are cared for. They are truly grateful for the hard work everyone in healthcare is doing as expressed by Lou Shapiro, President and CEO of HSS in New York City in his blog post “Covid-19: Reflections”.

I want to again express a huge thank you to all who work in healthcare as well as all the other workers keeping essential businesses and services going. The strain on our healthcare system is real. The stress on our healthcare workers is real. When I last posted on March 16th, there were approximately 3,000 cases of coronavirus in this country. Today there are over 46,000. Let’s all do our part to #SlowTheSpread and #FlattenTheCurve.

Related Post: 

Healthcare providers on the front lines of COVID-19

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