More podcast recommendations – going beyond HIT

If you are like me, there is no gym time and no commute time these days. But there are still ways to get exercise every day. My long daily dog walks are one of those times when I try to get smarter. And podcasts are the means.

I have made podcast recommendations in the past and still have my favorite “go to” for health IT but I have added a few more in recent months.

ThisWeekinHealthIT – this has been my “go to” podcast since Bill Russell started it in 2018 as a weekly show. In 2019 he went to a twice weekly format. And during the pandemic, he went to daily podcasts with an excellent and very timely Field Report series – interviews with health IT leaders on how they are managing during this crisis and preparing for recovery and the new, better normal. Many great lessons and insights have been shared the past few months. Kudos to all his guests for their incredible work and making time to share with others. And kudos to Bill for his ongoing commitment to developing next generation leaders. My firm, StarBridge Advisors, is a proud sponsor of the show and share in that commitment.

Digital Health Leaders – this is a relatively new podcast series started by the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) a few months ago. Russ Branzell, CHIME President and CEO, interviews IT leaders on a range of topics.

Relentless Health Value – this is a podcast I first became acquainted with when I was asked to be a guest back in 2018 – my episode was “The Evolving Role of the Chief Information Officer”. But IT is not the focus. Stacey Richter, a healthcare entrepreneur and innovator, has hosted the show since 2014. The website describes the podcast this way: “The show that connects you with other health care leaders trying to achieve the quadruple aim of improving population health and patient and provider experience, while managing costs effectively. Our mission is to help transform health care by breaking down silos and connecting disconnected parts of our industry. The first step toward collaboration is simply knowing what others are working on and wrestling to overcome.” So, if you want the big picture on healthcare and not just IT, add this one to your list. And like Bill, Stacy has a special COVID-19 series as well.

And continuing down the beyond IT path, I have recently started listening to a few other ones:

In the Bubble with Andy Slavitt – While you may think of Andy Slavitt, former Acting Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, as a health policy expert, during this crisis, he is covering a wider range of topics. Here is the show description: “We are now in the early stages of something we’ve never seen before: a global pandemic. In addition to our health, social isolation and economic uncertainty have left us scrambling to understand our new normal and wondering what the future holds. From his own bubble, health care leader, turnaround expert and #stayhome architect Andy Slavitt is making it his mission to give Americans critical information in real-time but also hope for a path forward. He reminds us of what we can achieve and the deep sense of solidarity that we need during these trying times. Andy is joined each week by leading scientists, cultural icons, and political leaders—together, they will help us process, understand, and adjust to the changes around us.” Andy’s recent podcasts on Back to School? (With Arne Duncan, former Secretary of Education) and The Epidemic of Racism (With DeRay Mckesson) have been extremely insightful. I referenced his interview with Dr. Leana Wen – Living Through Two Public Health Crises in my blog post last week on racism and healthcare. I highly recommend checking out this new podcast series.

Women at Work – this podcast from Harvard Business Review was recently recommended to me and I have only just started to listen. As the website says, it is conversations about the workplace and women’s place in it. The series is already in Season 5 so obviously I am late to the game. Some of the titles that I am anxious to checkout include: Helping Men Help Us, Sisterhood is Critical to Racial Justice, Aging Up Not Out, and When You Work in a Male Dominated Industry.

Just like music, I have many more podcasts in my library that I have subscribed to but not yet really started listening to. After all, my two little dogs can only walk so far for so long every day. I would love to hear what podcasts you are listening to these days!

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2 thoughts on “More podcast recommendations – going beyond HIT

  1. Chris Greene Hutchings on said:

    Thanks for the suggestions, Sue! I look forward to checking them out. One podcast I have recently discovered: SAFe Business Agility. SAFe leverages Lean and other approaches to enable a truly agile enterprise (not just for software development). Recent episodes include: Measuring Business Agility, Enterprise Strategy Formulation and Lean Portfolio Management, and Journey to Design Thinking.

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