Healthcare leaders continue to learn and share lessons

Virtual learning opportunities have increased significantly in the past few months as healthcare leaders are eager to learn from the experiences of others or share their own lessons during this pandemic. There are far more webinars, live sessions, and interviews than I have seen in the past. Most of these sessions are recorded so you can listen or watch when you have time. The trick is to register – if you end up not being able to join at the scheduled time at least you will be sent the archive link. And of course there are always podcasts – so many good ones as I have recommended in previous posts.

This week, there is yet another virtual learning opportunity that I am excited about joining – the HealthIMPACT Live’s Summer Forum. I have participated in their previous in-person forums and found them to be very thought-provoking programs with top-notch speakers on relevant topics. With limited attendance, there is always plenty of opportunity for dialogue. The forum organizers have pivoted and are promising a great virtual experience. The topics are very timely and divided into four parts over two afternoons:

Part I: Your People – Healthcare Workforce Reimagined – From Crisis Management to System-Wide Transformation

Part II: Your Processes – Sustaining Gains in Telemedicine and Virtual Care Delivery- Building on Successes and Lessons Learned Connecting Patients and Providers in Response to COVID-19

Part III: Your Community – Leveraging Technology to Bridge the Digital Divide and Build an Equitable Healthcare System

Part IV: Your Technology – Technology Infrastructure Required to Support the New Normal Surveillance and Collaborative Research Needed to Address and Assess Risk and Ensure Pop Health

Here is a partial list of the speakers:

  • Leana Wen, MD, MSc, Public Health Professor, George Washington University
  • Michael Dowling, President and CEO, Northwell Health
  • Esther Choo, MD, MPH, Co-Founder, Equity Quotient
  • John Halamka, MD, President, Mayo Clinic Platform
  • Cris Ross, CIO Mayo Clinic
  • Pamela Arora, SVP and CIO, Children’s Health System of Texas
  • Kimberly Noel, MD, MPH, Telehealth Director, Deputy CMIO, Stony Brook University Hospital
  • Rasu Shrestha, MD, EVP, Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer, Atrium Health
  • Tressa Springmann, SVP and CIO LifeBridge Health

Kudos to forum organizer, Megan Antonelli, and her team at Purpose Events along with Shahid Shah, HealthIMPACT Forum chairperson, for putting together what looks like an amazing program. And thanks in advance to all these leaders in healthcare for making time to share their experiences and insights. I plan to attend as much of the virtual forum as I can fit in.

And I hope that more conference organizers will pivot to virtual programs in the coming months so we can all continue to learn from one another during this unprecedented time in healthcare.

Be well. Be strong. Be smart.

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