Staying fit and informed

If you are working from home during this pandemic, getting enough exercise each day can be a challenge. I spoke to a CIO colleague recently who said he used to get 10,000 steps a day just at work given the size of his office complex.

I recently decided that I needed to up my exercise routine to ensure I get 10,000 steps a day. A long dog walk at the end of the workday plus the steps inside my house from my home office to the kitchen and back are just not enough. While I have never been an early morning exerciser, I am now two plus weeks into a new routine. Instead of rolling out of bed and starting on email and work right away, I now go for a brisk walk. I try to do a minimum of 30 minutes but depending on the time of my first scheduled call of the day, I do anywhere from 20-45 minutes. The end of day dog walk rounds it out to ensure I hit my 10,000 steps.

Besides the physical and mental health benefits of more exercise, I also have more time to stay informed via podcasts. A few weeks ago, I wrote about my latest podcast recommendations. With my new exercise routine, I am ready to recommend two more:

The Osterholm Update: COVID-19 – If you had not heard of Dr. Michael Osterholm pre-COVID, you probably recognize his name by now. He has been interviewed on many news shows the past few months. Dr. Osterholm is the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota and has spent his career investigating outbreaks. His podcast is a weekly report on the COVID-19 pandemic. It is science and fact based with genuine caring and concern for the people impacted. My sister spent much of her career in public health in Minnesota and knows Dr. Osterholm well. Back in March, she encouraged me to listen to him whenever he was on the news. While I found his interviews and projections early on quite depressing, I know that we cannot ignore science and the facts.

This American Life: The Reprieve – This one is not a podcast series but rather an hour-long story with four acts from WBEZ on the Detroit experience during their COVID-19 peak in March and April. It is up close and personal with the ICU staff at Henry Ford Hospital. I am grateful to a friend and former colleague from my Michigan days, Robin Damschroder, CFO at Henry Ford Health System, for making me aware of it. While it was hard to listen to in certain parts, it is important to understand the impact of this pandemic on physicians, nurses, and communities.

And yes, there are times on my morning walks when I listen to solo piano music or the birds and just reflect. I hope you have your own routines for staying fit and informed during this unprecedented time in our lives. I would love to hear what they are and if you have any podcast recommendations, please share.

Be well. Be strong. Be smart.

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2 thoughts on “Staying fit and informed

  1. Lydon Neumann on said:


    Thanks for sharing these healthy tips. I endorse your focus on taking care of ourselves, as well as being there for our families and communities during these times and beyond.

    • Sue Schade on said:

      Lydon, thanks for the feedback. Self care, family care, community care, and being informed during these changing times!

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