The healing power of humanity

This is one of those weeks where I struggle for the right words. We are all in wait mode. Regardless of the outcome of the election, our nation needs healing. Your relationships with family members, friends or colleagues may be strained as the divisiveness of recent years has grown during this election cycle.

In health care, we focus on healing and take care of everyone regardless of their politics. For inspiration, the words this week from two national healthcare leaders are worth sharing.

Michael Dowling, CEO of Northwell Health, penned a very powerful piece in Becker’s Hospital Review on November 4 titled, “Look to healthcare to remember what decency means”. He calls on leaders to focus on decency saying, “Considering the contentious rhetoric we have witnessed at the highest levels of government throughout this past election season, now is the time for leaders to emphasize decency as the most important trait any one person can exhibit in their organization.” He talks about how our collective sense of decency has been violated saying, “The end result is a pervasive lack of trust, respect and empathy that prevents us from getting anything done. To solve any problems in healthcare or in broader society, we need to reclaim the value of decency and civility.” In a year that has been incredibly demanding and stressful for healthcare professionals everywhere, he closes with, “In healthcare, our care teams have been role models of decency, and our nation would benefit from a closer study of them.”

Lloyd Dean, CEO of CommonSpirit Health, published a short article on November 4 titled, “We Made Our Voices Heard”. Speaking of the 150,000 people who make up CommonSpirit, he says “We believe in the healing power of humanity, and we are called to heal our patients, our communities, and our country in every way we can.” In his closing words, he calls us all to come together: “Even though we don’t yet have all of the election results, and regardless of how you feel about the outcome, I encourage us to all consider how we can reveal the best of humanity during this moment. Let us empathize with those whose perspectives are different from ours. Let us show others how to bridge our differences and find common ground. Let us help our children and our neighbors feel enthusiastic and empowered to make our world a better place. Most of all, let us always show kindness and respect for one another as we seek to move forward as a country, together.”

Be kind, respectful, and decent to one another in the days ahead.

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