Crowdsourcing – looking for your stories on digital transformation 

I am trying something new with this week’s blog post. I will be doing a talk titled “Digital Transformation: Emerging from COVID19” at an upcoming virtual conference. I will be working on it in my spare time (aka the next two weekends) so it can be recorded in advance.

For many organizations, Digital Health means the “digital front door” and an increased focus on patient or consumer facing applications. But it is far more than that. My StarBridge Advisors colleague, David Muntz, wrote an excellent blog series on Digital Health over the past year. His first post attempted to frame what we mean by Digital Health – “Digital Health – Is Healthcare Ready? Are You and Your Organization Ready?”.

He starts by trying to define it and acknowledge that the Wikipedia definition is good but not great: “Digital health is the convergence of digital technologies with health, healthcare, living, and society to enhance the efficiency of healthcare delivery and make medicine more personalized and precise.” As David expands on his definition, he says ”Digital health requires harnessing the energy from the data tsunami that includes all sources, not just provider-controlled databases. We need to synthesize data from existing sources and use patient generated data, social determinants of health, census information, AI engines, and so many other sources.”

As I work on my upcoming talk, here is my “crowdsource” ask if you are willing to share your stories and anecdotes on any or all of these questions:

  1. How has your provider organization (or those you support) evolved through the pandemic in its use of technology? Where is your organization on the digital health journey?
  2. What new and emerging models of care delivery is your provider organization considering? Could be inside the traditional “four walls” or beyond as more care shifts to the home.
  3. As new technology solutions are designed and implemented, how does your organization ensure there is an effective partnership between IT and clinicians in your organization? How has that changed or been challenged during the pandemic?

Just write your response in a comment, reply to the email you received as a subscriber, or email me at Let me know whether I can use your name/title/organization or if you need to be anonymous.

Who knows, there might be a future blog post in this somewhere as well!

My thanks in advance to all who are willing to contribute.

Related Posts: (David’s blog series)

Digital Health – Is Healthcare Ready? Are You and Your Organization Ready?

Becoming a Digital Health System

Digital Health – Governance in a Digital Health System

Digital Health – The Role of Empathy and Understanding

Digital Health – Language and Comprehension

In a Digital World, The Human Elements are Essential

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