Resources for your digital health journey

My StarBridge Advisors colleague, David Muntz, wrote an excellent blog series on Digital Health over the past year. His latest in the series is titled, “Digital Health – Planning for the Virtual Campus”. David’s ability to define digital health and provide a blueprint for organizations is impressive. This most recent post does not disappoint. He describes the changes that health systems have made in care delivery during the pandemic and poses the question – where do we go from here? He outlines 12 steps organizations should take. Here is a partial list just to whet your appetite:

  • Embrace the same discipline and framework to create the virtual campus as for a traditional campus
  • Query a broader representative sample of stakeholders than you have in the past
  • Plan for the underserved and those who might be excluded because of the digital divide
  • Personalize the experience for providers, patients, and families
  • Use augmented intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) during the data collection process

I encourage you to check out the entire post. If you are interested in any future posts in David’s digital health series, subscribe to View from the Bridge to get notifications of new posts. Our team of advisors regularly contributes posts on a wide range of topics relevant to today’s healthcare executives and IT leaders.

The New England HIMSS 2021 Annual Spring Conference: “Empowering People to Impact Health Through Information and Technology” was this week. The conference was virtual and as in past years, there was a great lineup of speakers and panels. I was honored to do a talk, “A View from the Top – Digital Transformation: Emerging from COVID-19” and moderate a panel afterwards with three clinical informatics leaders – Christine Berard-Collins, VP and Chief Pharmacy Officer at Lifespan, Dr. Dirk Stanley, CMIO at UConn Health, and Teri Young, VP, Clinical Applications & Chief of Clinical Informatics at University of Maryland Medical System. I highlighted digital health efforts in a number of health systems, reviewed market trends, and provided advice on how to have an effective partnership between clinicians and IT. During the panel, we discussed digital transformation in their respective organizations. A lot of great insight from all! If you registered for the conference but missed these sessions, they are available at the conference link for the next 30 days.

If you are looking for help developing your digital health strategy and roadmap, either David or I would be happy to schedule time to talk.

Previous Posts in the Digital Health Series:

Digital Health – Is Healthcare Ready? Are You and Your Organization Ready?

Becoming a Digital Health System

Digital Health – Governance in a Digital Health System

Digital Health – The Role of Empathy and Understanding

Digital Health – Language and Comprehension

In a Digital World, The Human Elements are Essential

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