Vendor relationship management revisited

For IT leaders, effective vendor relationships are critical. In previous blog posts, I have provided guidance on creating win-win relationships and outlined what makes up a successful ongoing vendor relationship.

I am currently serving as interim CIO at Boston Children’s Hospital, the fourth health system I have served as an interim IT leader since 2016. I am experiencing vendor relationships and the challenges of vendor management all over again. Revisiting some of my own advice has been useful to me so I decided I would share it again with my readers.

12 tips for effective vendor management is a useful refresher worth another look. Let me know if I missed anything.

I would love to hear your stories of vendors who stepped up as true partners with health system IT teams to find creative solutions, expedite deliveries and provide extraordinary customer service during the pandemic. After all, 2020 was a test for all kinds of relationships.

Related Posts:

Keys to successful vendor management

What to expect from your vendors

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