
Yesterday was #InternationalPodcastDay according to social media. There seems to be a day for everything. And from what I can tell there is a podcast for every possible interest. I am definitely a fan of this medium and I’ve shared my podcast favorites in previous posts.

While I currently subscribe to 20+ podcasts (I add them as I hear about new ones of particular interest), I regularly listen to a small handful, and primarily three:

Given my recent injury, my podcast listening time has been greatly reduced. I used to listen when I walked 3 miles a day with my digital dogs. Last weekend while packing boxes for our upcoming move, I decided to catch up on few of them. Realize I need to get creative about finding times to listen.

To “celebrate” #InternationalPodcastDay, I encourage you to check out my favorite podcasts and recommendations in these previous posts:

More podcast recommendations – going beyond HIT

7 HIT blog and podcast recommendations

Tune in: recommendations for IT podcasts

Staying fit and informed

Value of podcasts for professional development

And of course, let me know if you have any favorites to recommend.

Happy listening!

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