Aging, but getting fit and healthy? Yes, it’s possible!

When I turned 50 nearly two decades ago, I got myself a gym membership as a birthday present. Prior to that, I hadn’t worked out much and don’t remember ever having had gym memberships. I took a few aerobics classes once in a while and we had a treadmill in our basement for a few years. I had long commutes for most of my career and would try to take walks in the evening when the kids got older. That seemed the best I could do.

When I got the gym membership, I remember saying that no one is going to come into my office and tell me to go home and take care of myself. Rather, I had to tell myself. As a parent and a workaholic with big jobs, long hours, and an hour plus commute each way, where would I find the time to workout?

I have had gym memberships steadily since I turned 50 and used them consistently with some ups and downs. Like many people, we cancelled our gym memberships early in the pandemic. But I set a step goal that first summer and happy to say I hit or exceeded it most weeks. I amped it up in recent months and am now averaging 13,000+ steps a day. But I have missed the weight training I used to do to maintain my strength.

Fast forward to a month ago. We joined the local YMCA. I’ve been exploring classes to see what I liked and would be willing to do on regular basis. So far that has included Urban Fusion (dance routines for cardio), Cardio Fusion (combo of aerobics with some dance steps and weight training), Y Strength (interval workout for cardio and weights), Gentle Strength (decided it was too easy!), and Matt Pilates (might consider it someday). I have now booked the first three classes on my calendar as recurring appointments so will try to go to them each week if my schedule allows.

And then there’s pickleball. I got introduced to it when I visited friends in Florida in April – they are retired and play most days. I liked it and was willing to check out options back home. I attended a beginner class at the Y last Saturday and then stayed on to play with the regulars. So, I’m adding that to my routine as a Saturday morning activity. Seems like whenever I mention pickleball to someone, they say that they play as well. It’s become a thing for all ages and levels. I just must remind myself not to be too competitive – that’s when I will hustle too far and increase the chance of a fall. At my age, you have to know your limits.

Back to the classes. I like classes – it’s a social thing for me and motivating to be in a group. When I worked full-time with long commutes, classes didn’t fit my schedule. With more flexibility in my schedule now, I can make them work. Being new in a class when it looks like everyone knows the routines and can do the moves is humbling. I look for the other gray-haired women who modify moves, not the young women at the front of the class who are as good as the instructor. And I tell the instructor some of my physical issues so they can suggest modifications.

Because it’s been 2+ years since I did weights and strengthening exercises and at my age I’m not as flexible as I used to be, believe me when I say some mornings when I wake up every muscle hurts! But I tell myself it’s good pain. I try to have some rest days in between but keep showing up on class days. While I may bring up the average age in the classes, when I walk into the YMCA and see who is doing the weight machine rotation, I’m closer to the average age. It is good to see I’m not alone at this age trying to stay fit and healthy. And of course, my FitBit is helping me track it all.

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