Vacation season reminders for a more balanced life

I’ve written a few posts in previous years about the importance of taking vacation time and truly taking a break from work. It seems even more important this year after 2+ years of Covid and the realities of remote work where separating work from one’s home life can be a challenge.

I’ve also written about work life balance, or life work balance as my colleague David Muntz likes to say. For years it was elusive, but I am doing much better getting the right balance at this late stage of my career.

Summer is already a third over. Hopefully you have made plans for a break of some sort with family or friends in the next few months. My husband and I have our first international trip since 2018 planned for later this summer. Seeing friends posting photos from their Europe trips in recent months is encouraging – it tells me that international travel is doable again.

As you make your own personal plans for downtime, remember the 6 R’s of summer – rest, relax, refresh, renew, reflect and reboot. And if you have to work or keep in touch with work while you take a break – check out “4 tips when you must work on vacation”. Let me know if you have any tips to add.

My post “Take time to reboot” is a great reminder that you can leave your work in the trusted and capable hands of others while you are away. That’s exactly what I intend to do!

Happy summer to all!

Related Posts:

4 tips when you must work on vacation

Take time to reboot

Do you know your big rocks?


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