HIMSS as a networking event

For those of you attending HIMSS23 in Chicago next week, it will be a mix of education, vendors, and networking. Let’s face it, while education and the exhibit hall are what our organizations are willing to invest in, networking is what we all look forward to each year. Seeing colleagues we’ve known for years, finally meeting in person people we’ve only known on zoom, and making new connections. Especially after a few years of virtual only conferences.

I won’t be attending this year. But that doesn’t stop me from giving some advice on the networking front.

Whether you are in transition and looking to make connections for your next opportunity or you are focused on learning from your peers and sharing success (and failure) stories from your own work, effective networking is critical to your work and your career.

Here’s some general networking advice:

Network extensions – Everyone you know knows a few more people who could potentially be helpful. Proactively and respectfully work your network.

Professionalism – Always present yourself as the consummate professional whether at work, online, or in business interactions after hours.

Two-way street – Figure out what you need from a connection and what you can offer to them.

Diligent follow-up – If you commit to provide a reference, make an introduction, or something else, be sure to do it in a timely manner.

Networking is one of the greatest values of the annual HIMSS conference and HIMSS provides many ways to find people with similar interests as yours. Here’s some slightly modified advice specific to HIMSS from previous years posts:

Scheduled receptions and meetups – There are plenty of these including an orientation for first time attendees, opening reception for all attendees, local chapter events, vendor receptions, and topic focused meetups. Plan ahead and decide what networking events you want to attend and who you want to schedule time with. But be open to adding more ad hoc meetings to your schedule as you make new contacts.

Exhibit hall – The main walkway in the exhibit hall is where you will run into many people you know. If you’re working your exhibit hall plan, you still have plenty of time to network and find out what cool vendors your colleagues are checking out.

#HIMSS23 Hashtag Guide – This is a great tool from HIMSS. By following a few key topical hashtags, you will easily find other people interested in the same areas as you.

Business cards – Yes, even with LinkedIn and all the social media channels, you still need a stack of business cards with you. My trick is to write any notes/follow-ups that I commit to on the back of the card and then schedule time in the two weeks after HIMSS to do all the follow-ups.

Heads up – You will see people everywhere on their laptops and phones checking their email and doing work. Yes, we all have jobs back home to keep up with but try to manage your email time so you have plenty of “heads up” time to meet people and connect. As one of my daughters likes to remind me, be in the moment!

Women in HIT – I’m encouraged to see so many events focused on women leaders. I remember when the only such event was the HITChicks Meetup. Here are a few events at HIMSS23 to check out:

If you are going to HIMSS23, I hope you make the most of your time there!

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