What do healthcare CEOs want from technology in 2024 and beyond?

When do you stop wishing people “Happy New Year”? Probably soon if not yesterday. When do you stop reading recaps from 2023 and predictions/forecasts for 2024? It depends. When do you stop listening to what healthcare CEOs are saying is important to them? Never!

I’ve seen two pieces recently from healthcare CEOs that are worth sharing here.

First off a very powerful message from Michael Dowling, President and CEO at Northwell Health published in Becker’s Hospital Review on January 2 – “The most pressing question to start the year”.  He reminds us of our mission as we start the new year.

“Health is how we work together to build a sense of community. Having a healthy community also requires everyone doing what they can to tone down the political rhetoric and social media-fueled anger that is polarizing our society. Health is bringing back a sense of civility and respect in our public discourse, and promoting the values of honesty, decency and integrity.”

 The second is a piece from Becker’s Health IT published on December 19 – “Health system CEOs’ tech wish list”.  Here is what’s on the technology wish list for the next three years:

    1. Seamless care coordination applications
    2. Drivers of elite patient experience
    3. Automation everywhere
    4. Precision medicine capabilities
    5. AI-driven technology to support the workforce
    6. Health equity and population health boosters

Sound familiar? Does this align with what you are hearing from your healthcare executive team?

You may be wondering how you do this with limited budgets due to continued financial constraints and the workforce challenges of recruiting enough staff and the right talent. The job of health IT leaders is as challenging as ever but as exciting as I’ve seen in my several decades in healthcare. Finding ways to take costs out and create capacity, optimizing existing investments, hiring talent and retooling to ensure your team is ready to deliver on the new demands – those are some of the leadership challenges for 2024.

Related Post:

From reflection to action – preparing for 2024


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