Operation Baby Blanket? What’s that? Is that the code name for a new software implementation?
This CIO is the grandma of Hannah, an adorable two year old; two more grandbabies are on the way. While I’ve done various crafts in my adult life, I don’t do it enough to call it a hobby. And my crochet experience is limited. I did make a baby blanket for one of my daughters 30 years ago.
So I surprised my family two years ago when I told them that I would make a baby blanket for Hannah, and I actually did it. Now, a second grandchild is due in December. Could I make a baby blanket for her in time? Would I be able to squeeze enough time out of my evening email work session to get one done?
I needed to design and create a baby blanket in time for the baby shower.
I am happy to announce that I presented a finished crocheted baby blanket to my daughter, Katie, at the shower last weekend.
How did I meet this goal? Basic Project Management! Continue reading