Adapting to virtual project work

It is encouraging to see major system implementations continue to move forward during this period. Seattle Children’s, UI Health and Steward Health Care are just a few examples of EHR go lives in recent weeks. Kudos to all the teams who are working to ensure they go smoothly and safely as they provide a combination of virtual and onsite support.

My StarBridge Advisors colleague, David Muntz, and I just completed an ERP selection with a client. We have moved into the contracting and planning phase. All our work has been virtual. There was a short period where the client team was partially back in their offices but as case numbers in that state rose, they returned to the work from home arrangement with the exception of senior leaders in the office on certain days. The vendors successfully conducted virtual demos over several days with very high participation and engagement by the client organization.

While the vendor of choice is understandably anxious to meet with the client team in person, that is not happening for the foreseeable future. By the time of go live in Spring 2022, it should be a very different situation with onsite work. But for now, it will be all virtual work. And even when regular travel and onsite work is considered safe, I expect more work by the vendor and their implementation team to be done remotely to save on travel costs and time.

Bottom line, we have all made this virtual way of working a success. Yes, there were a few times when being in person in the same room would have really helped – the initial period of work when we were getting to know the client team and some of the key decision meetings. Learning the culture and “reading the room” can be a challenge in the virtual world but it is all doable. Continue reading

Starting a new job or client project in a virtual world

If you are starting a new job or a new client engagement during this pandemic, you are most likely missing (and even craving) the in-person contacts that you are used to. The job interviews and onboarding may have been all virtual and the actual work may still be all virtual. For a new client engagement, you may be doing not just the kickoff meeting but all the subsequent work virtually. And this virtual mode may be the situation for the foreseeable future.

Neither of these scenarios is the same as a team or group of people who already know each other well and have formed good working relationships to suddenly be working virtually.

Given our work is often all about the relationships, what are some of the challenges of this new way of working with clients or starting a new job? And how best to address them? Some lessons and tips from my latest client engagement experience:

Culture – We have all heard the phrase “culture eats strategy for lunch”. You must work that much harder to understand the culture of an organization when you are not spending time together in person. Early on, find out what the norms and values of the organization are from your key contacts. Observe and listen. And don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Politics – Every organization has its politics. Best to stay out of them if you can. But you need to be aware of the politics and how best to navigate to get results. The politics may be less evident (a good thing) in the virtual world but are still there.

Who’s who – If you are used to getting to know your new colleagues or clients more informally to build a good, trusting working relationship, then this is all new. Continue reading

Healthcare leaders continue to learn and share lessons

Virtual learning opportunities have increased significantly in the past few months as healthcare leaders are eager to learn from the experiences of others or share their own lessons during this pandemic. There are far more webinars, live sessions, and interviews than I have seen in the past. Most of these sessions are recorded so you can listen or watch when you have time. The trick is to register – if you end up not being able to join at the scheduled time at least you will be sent the archive link. And of course there are always podcasts – so many good ones as I have recommended in previous posts.

This week, there is yet another virtual learning opportunity that I am excited about joining – the HealthIMPACT Live’s Summer Forum. I have participated in their previous in-person forums and found them to be very thought-provoking programs with top-notch speakers on relevant topics. With limited attendance, there is always plenty of opportunity for dialogue. The forum organizers have pivoted and are promising a great virtual experience. The topics are very timely and divided into four parts over two afternoons:

Part I: Your People – Healthcare Workforce Reimagined – From Crisis Management to System-Wide Transformation

Part II: Your Processes – Sustaining Gains in Telemedicine and Virtual Care Delivery- Building on Successes and Lessons Learned Connecting Patients and Providers in Response to COVID-19 Continue reading

7 Tips for effective virtual meetings

If you have the kind of job where you can work from home, you have probably been on hundreds of virtual meetings in the past four months. And this will most likely continue for the foreseeable future as many companies have no set date for when they will have employees return to their offices. There are plenty of articles with overall tips for working from home. Here are my tips for effective virtual meetings:

Follow meeting norms – If your company had meeting guidelines and standard practices when you were all in person, continue to follow them. During my interim engagement at the University of Vermont Health Network, I became very familiar with the meeting norms in IT and shared them in a previous blog post – “We’re at meeting norms”. I consider them best practice. They included behaviors that contribute to productive, collaborative work. I can honestly say that the meetings there were some of the most productive, focused, and efficient meetings I have seen in all the organizations I’ve worked in. One of the most useful is having 25- or 50-minute meetings. When you are working in whatever home office setup you have, you do not have to move between meeting rooms. But you still need time between calls whether it’s a bio break, time to stand up and stretch, organize your follow-ups, or get ready for the next meeting.

Know how to use the tools – Get to know all the features of your preferred/default video conference tool and be comfortable navigating in it. But be flexible and quick to adapt to other tools as needed if the meeting host has a different default tool. Be patient when technical issues arise and work together to resolve quickly or find a workaround. People are more supportive and tolerant of issues now compared to when there was just one or two people remote with everyone else in a conference room together wondering why the remote people were having issues. Continue reading

10 Go Live Command Center lessons from the field

Week 2 post Epic Go Live has begun. We continue to learn and adjust. Building on my previous Epic Go Live and Command Center planning posts, there are more lessons to share.canstockphoto15204222 (1) keep calm

The last point in my most recent post was about camaraderie – defined as “mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together”. I should add, in close quarters!

I continue to be impressed with the hardworking, dedicated IT team at the University of Vermont Health Network. I have seen many examples of teaching, helping one another and stepping up to new roles since the November 9th Go Live.

The rate of new tickets slowed down as Week 1 ended but the issues became more complex as expected. We have resolved over 65% of the tickets opened since cutover and addressed many cross cutting issues.

As promised, more lessons to share:

  • Handoffs between shifts – Ensure that key issues and work in process is reviewed and turned over to the next shift to keep things moving smoothly. Try to have people scheduled several days in a row for continuity vs on one day and off the next.
  • Seeing the “forest for the trees” – In the first few days, the focus is on closing tickets but as cross cutting issues and themes emerge, the focus needs to shift. As broad issues are defined, you need clarity on what teams and modules are involved, who is on point to lead the issue resolution, and what help is needed.
  • Escalations – It is very helpful to have highly engaged executives and operational leaders rounding and raising up the greatest pain points for users that need more focus. These escalations may come through in-person visits to the command center or email.
  • Ticket analysis – Have resources available who know the tool and can slice and dice the data to help leaders and teams see trends and where to focus.
  • Hospital daily huddle – If the organization has a daily huddle, the command center lead should attend. It’s good way to hear firsthand how all departments are doing and what their key concerns are.
  • Command center “walk-ins” – If the main command center is at the hospital you may get walk-ins – well intentioned users who want to escalate a specific ticket or issue. Command center leaders should manage this so the teams working tickets aren’t given conflicting direction on priorities.
  • Email management on steroids – Staff working tickets stay in the system and don’t watch their email. But leaders get a lot of emails and it’s hard to keep up given the pace. At the end of each command center shift, go back through your inbox to ensure that any escalations are dealt with – other email can wait.
  • Multiple locations for support – If there are a main command center and multiple other locations for support staff and triage, ensure they are well coordinated with good communication between.
  • Document management – Everyone involved needs easy online access to reference material. Dynamic information such as shift schedules need to be maintained. Having at least a few binders of printed reference information helps as well.
  • Ramp down plan – When you start adjusting command center hours, it will help to have a checklist ready on what needs to be considered and implemented (i.e. staff schedules, re-location of teams, communication to users, logistics like food and transportation, etc).

Stay tuned for more reports from the field….

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The power of your network and learning from others

Healthcare is one of the most collaborative industries I know. Granted, my entire professional career has been in health IT so maybe that’s a bold but uninformed statement. Healthcare organizations are very canstockphoto12450988 (1) networkingopen, transparent and willing to learn from one another. Whether it’s sharing best practices, hosting site visits, or the many collaborative groups that leaders participate in, we are constantly learning from one another.

Our upcoming Epic go live at the University of Vermont Health Network is no exception. Of course, we rely on the experience that our implementation partner and vendors have had at other similar organizations. That’s why organizations utilize their services.

But there’s also the professional networks that we develop and nurture over the years to draw on. When our CIO, Adam Buckley, asked me to look at an area that he was concerned about as we approach the go live, I did what I do. First, learn from the people doing the work and find out their concerns and what they think we need to do to ensure success. Then, turn to colleagues who have gone before us.

While I wasn’t close to this specific area when I was CIO at University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers and we implemented Epic, I knew I could talk to someone who was. I reached out to my CIO successor and one of the executive directors there to get a contact to talk to. Within an afternoon I had gotten a good sense from them of how they handled that function and insights from colleagues at two other large healthcare organizations. And then a follow-up call to drill down further with someone who manages the function. That’s the power of having a strong network and being able to learn from others. I owe them one! Continue reading

10 best practices for project success

It’s the final few weeks before our major Epic go live at the University of Vermont Health Network on November 1st. Yes, we have some parts of the project still in yellow or red status as of our 30 day Go Live canstockphoto19779100 (1) gearsReadiness Assessment (GLRA). But the majority are green (on track) or blue (complete).  I’m seeing many best practices that have us on a path towards success. Individual and team behaviors and practices that are worth sharing:

Flexibility – On any given day, you don’t know what issues you might need to deal with or what meeting you’ll have to add to your calendar.  Be willing to adjust as needed throughout the day and know what can wait for another day.

Raising issues – Don’t be afraid to raise issues that need resolution. Don’t assume someone else has more time or knowledge to handle the issue – be willing to take ownership if you can.

Utility players – You need generalists who can be put into a variety of situations to temporarily help. If you are one of these people, don’t hesitate to raise your hand when you see gaps.

Step up and lead – Leadership takes many forms. Even if you may feel unready, don’t be afraid to step in and fill a leadership gap if needed.

Cross coverage – Being dependent on one person’s knowledge and skills can create delays when that person is unexpectedly unavailable. Knowing who you can hand off to and having confidence in that person stepping in is critical to projects staying on schedule. Continue reading

Working together, we improve people’s lives

That’s the vision of the University of Vermont Health Network (UVMHN) where I’m currently serving as the interim Chief Technology Officer. It’s a simple but powerful statement and a great reminder of the canstockphoto10098870 (1) working togetherimportance of “we” and the work we do together. With our major Epic go live less than two months away, we are constantly reminded what a critical foundational  piece the common, integrated EHR is for the health network. No pressure!

I described the scope of our Epic project in my post “Crunch time and why IT matters” and shared stories from our 90-day Go Live Readiness Assessment (GLRA) in my post “IT takes a village”. Our 60-day GLRA was a few days ago. Dr. John Brumsted, UVMHN CEO, and the presidents from the hospitals and the medical group kicked off the day thanking everyone involved and describing what the common, integrated EHR will mean for our patients. And as Dr. Brumsted noted, the Epic project is the biggest undertaking to date for the organization as an integrated network.

UVMHN is not the first nor the last organization on the journey to create an integrated care delivery system to serve the patients in a region.  To be a truly integrated network, common values and strong relationships are key. Continue reading

“We’re at meeting norms”

That’s a new phrase for me. One I’m still getting used to at my current interim engagement in IT at the University of Vermont Health Network. Said like that, it means it’s 10 minutes to the hour and time to wrap canstockphoto15517676 (1) meeting normsup the meeting. Time for people to shut down any video conferencing, clear the room, take a bio-break and get to their next meeting. And for others to come in and get set up for the next meeting to start right on time. And start on time they do.

This is a meeting discipline that makes a lot of sense and everyone seems to have adapted to it. As the new outsider, I’m still getting used to it and trying my best to conform. Get there on time and if chairing the meeting, wrap up by 10 minutes to the hour (5 minutes if it’s a 30-minute meeting).

Other meeting norms the IT department has established include all agendas and meeting materials available in advance as part of the meeting invite, not sent around separately as emails with attachments. I was told early on that if a meeting doesn’t have an agenda, you’re free to not attend the meeting. While I’ve seen no specific guideline on this, I wouldn’t be surprised. Another way to ensure meetings have purpose and a plan for the time. Continue reading

Never underestimate the importance of good communication

When you go into business for yourself, you have to make a lot of decisions. One of the most important decisions is who to partner with. I have learned a lot from my two colleagues, David Muntz and Russ canstockphoto9328194 (1) communication word cloudRudish, in our StarBridge Advisors venture over the past two years. They have very different styles, skills, knowledge and experience. But together we make a great team!

Communication skills are critical no matter what business you are in or what level you are at in an organization. David recently wrote an excellent piece on communications for our StarBridge Advisors “View from the Bridge” blog – Meaningful Communication – 10 Lessons from Life.

His life lessons provide an important framework for successful communication in all forms. And as he says, without communication, collaboration is difficult.

I highly recommend you check out David’s blog post. And if you like what you see, read more of our View from the Bridge posts and subscribe to receive notifications of new posts.

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