Another anniversary worth noting

canstockphoto13207113This week marks three years of blogging for me. People still ask me where I find the time and how I get ideas for topics. My answer is always the same. I make it a weekly discipline – shaping the ideas during the week, writing a near final draft on Thursday night, then finalizing and publishing it first thing Friday morning. The ideas continue to flow though I’ll be the first to admit there are some Thursday nights when I’m still looking for inspiration.

Just think how I felt the Thursday when I saw this tweet from someone I follow?

“Tomorrow is Friday and we all know what that means! No, not just Cinco de Mayo but @sgschade blog comes out! #anticipation”

No pressure I thought. Fortunately, it was the week I had shadowed a nurse and my blog topic was obvious.

By the numbers, there have been close to 75,000 total views. Who would have thought that three years ago? I remember someone asking me who I thought would read my blog besides my family and close friends. Believe me, I have a small family who doesn’t always read it and few close friends.

If you need some reading this weekend, here are some of the most popular new posts from the past year:

Teamwork at its best

6 tips for successful huddle boards

Power of a PMO

Making the invisible visible – part 2

Next chapter, page 2

Next chapter, another page

Walking in a nurse’s shoes

Puppies and Rainbows

Investing in you, the value of a coach

Take time to reboot

What to expect from an interim CIO

And then there are some “classics” from previous years which still get read often:

Leadership huddles: not just another meeting

Importance of rounding or going to the “gemba”

Where do new ideas come from?

As long as I have something to share, I’ll keep writing. This past year I’ve also written several guest blogs. And with our StarBridge Advisors monthly blog, “View from the Bridge”, I take my turn every few months.

As always, I am grateful to all my readers, old or new, regular subscriber or casual reader. I am honored by your interest in what I have to share. Special thanks to those subscribers who patiently waited for a fix to the weekly notifications.

I enjoy reading all your comments and try to reply to each of them. I’d love to hear if you have a favorite blog post and any ideas for future posts.

4 thoughts on “Another anniversary worth noting

  1. Sue,
    We have not met but I’ve followed your blog for some time now.
    Your blog and John Halamka’s blog at are regular stops in my healthcare IT reading list I appreciate the insights you and John take the time to share. For those of us early in our careers and on the frontlines, it is refreshing to read about (and learn from) lessons and challenges in leadership and healthcare IT. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with the rest of us!

  2. Kate Gamble on said:

    Wow, three years has flown by! Thank you so much, Sue, for taking the time to do this. I really appreciate your willingness to tackle difficult subjects and to speak your mind – even when it’s not what people want to hear. I also appreciate that you aren’t afraid to get personal. It’s not always easy opening up like that.

    My personal favorite? Manterrupting. Great piece that had me saying, “YES!”

    Here’s to many more great years of blogs.

    • Sue Schade on said:

      Kate, thanks for your kind words plus all your support and encouragement. On being willing to get personal, I think leaders need to be authentic to be believed. Agree that Manterrupting was a good one! Many women can relate.

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