M&A work is not just about technology

Between the organizations I’ve served as CIO and the health systems I’m advising these days through StarBridge Advisors, I’ve seen plenty of M&A activity over the years. Mergers and affiliation agreements People putting the pieces together conceptcome in all sizes.

For a CIO there are the typical areas to look at for system consolidation and integration. But it’s not just about technology. You have to consider the people who are impacted.

I recently wrote an article for the CIO Techie Magazine Healthcare Technology Special Edition 2019 called “M&A activity continues – for IT leaders it’s not just about technology”. I advised on how best to retain talent while still ensuring the strategic goals of the organization and the drivers for the M&A activity are met. My advice:

  • Get to know your new partners and colleagues early
  • Remember that culture is key
  • Partner with HR early on
  • Communicate early and often
  • Think win-win not win-lose
  • Be kind and generous

Check out the full article here.

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2 thoughts on “M&A work is not just about technology

  1. I like how you mentioned that it is important to remember keys that can provide an advantage to your team. My cousin mentioned to me last night that they are hoping to find an advisor that can help their firm with market strategies and asked if I have any idea what is the best option to do. Thanks to this informative article, I’ll be sure to tell him that consulting a trusted M&A Advisor can help them with all their concerns.

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