On the other side of the digital front door

Being on the other side of health care delivery is always an eye opening experience as to the progress we’ve made with technology and making it easy for our patients, and how far we have yet to go.

Now that I have more flexibility in my work schedule and we’re past the house move, I’m taking time to prioritize my own health. The newest health issue I’m addressing is cataracts in both eyes. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that the ophthalmic practice in the area who my eye doctor referred me to has a patient portal link on their website. As I waited on the phone to make an appointment, I perused the website. I thought it was odd that the portal had the same name as my health system’s portal. When it was my turn to talk to someone, they told me my new address asking me to confirm it. I had just updated it with my health system on the patient portal last week. So I asked how they, a separate ophthalmic practice knew. They said the patient portal showed it based on my phone number. Turns out it is the very same portal as my health system. I asked if they were part of the system and they said no but they share the portal. Guessing there is more to the story – possibly an Epic Community Connect relationship?

We scheduled the initial consultation appointment at a location reasonably close at the end of November vs one at an even closer location at the end of January. But my positive response to this encounter quickly took a step backwards. As they described my next steps pre-appointment it included writing down two fax numbers. One to give my eye doctor so they could send a report from my last eye exam. And a different one to give my PCP so they could send a referral. When will healthcare finally retire fax machines??

The fact that I can remember my patient portal password means I’ve become a regular user. And that means I’m taking care of my health. Due to my injury in August, I have multiple ortho appointments and now weekly physical therapy visits.

I was late to my first physical therapy appointment due to mistakenly thinking the e-checkin on the portal would be quick. Continue reading

What I learned this week

When I’m stuck and don’t know what to write about, to trigger ideas my husband asks me “what did you learn this week?”. As I wrote in last week’s blog post, it’s handoff time as my interim CIO engagement at Boston Children’s comes to an end. The past 4 days was a packed schedule for the new CIO, Heather Nelson, and me. A good amount of time was in standing meetings already on the calendar where Heather got to meet individuals or groups in the IT department as well as some senior leadership meetings. In all the non-meeting time, (the white space on the calendar), I inserted sessions for just the two of us to go through the lengthy 10-page transition outline I had prepared.

Heather joked each day about being a sponge and wringing it out at night to start again the next day. She now has multiple lists of to do’s and discussion items for others as she gets started. Her priority in the coming weeks will be listening. What did Heather learn this week? A lot!

What did I learn? Through these standing meetings and handoff discussions I learned how much more there is to do that I didn’t have the time or opportunity to focus on. At one point I told Heather that maybe I’d write about “regret” this week. She was quick to say, no, look at how much you got done in a short time. My CIO colleagues know that our work is endless. We just need to step back occasionally and appreciate what we have gotten done. That’s true for ending an interim engagement as well.

And I learned how much value there is to being in these standing meetings together as part of the handoff so I could debrief with Heather afterwards adding more context and color. Without getting too distracted, using Zoom chat during the meetings to clarify and add context to topics being covered was also a plus.

And during this very busy handoff week, I learned (again) that moving is indeed a stressor! Continue reading

Time to pass the baton

It has been an honor to serve Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) as their interim SVP and Chief Information Officer for the past 7 months. At the start of 2021, I told myself I wasn’t going to do another interim CIO engagement. But how can you say no to the #1 children’s hospital in the country? While they tell me they are grateful for what I have accomplished during this period, I too am grateful. Grateful for the opportunity to work with such fine people and be part of such an incredible mission – as they say, “Until every child is well”. I’m proud to have been part of an organization with a culture that values their staff and is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion.

From the start, BCH leadership knew I didn’t want the interim engagement to be prolonged. One of my priorities was to assist the search firm in finding the best candidate to be the next SVP and CIO. Goal accomplished! Heather Nelson starts on October 11. She has served as CIO at UChicago Medicine since 2017.

This last week before the official handoff begins, I focused on annual performance reviews for my leadership team, finishing up my work on the EHR strategy so Heather can move forward with the next phase, and compiling everything I will go over with her in our one-week transition/handoff.

Why would an interim do performance reviews? I strongly believe that people should not miss a review cycle because of a leadership transition above them that they have no control over. Collecting input from others in an informal 360 manner along with my experience working together for seven months is enough to have a constructive conversation and provide guidance on future development opportunities. Of course, Heather will need to work with each of them on specific goals for the coming year.

The EHR “path for the future” as we’ve called it has been the primary focus of my time at BCH. Continue reading


Yesterday was #InternationalPodcastDay according to social media. There seems to be a day for everything. And from what I can tell there is a podcast for every possible interest. I am definitely a fan of this medium and I’ve shared my podcast favorites in previous posts.

While I currently subscribe to 20+ podcasts (I add them as I hear about new ones of particular interest), I regularly listen to a small handful, and primarily three:

Given my recent injury, my podcast listening time has been greatly reduced. I used to listen when I walked 3 miles a day with my digital dogs. Last weekend while packing boxes for our upcoming move, I decided to catch up on few of them. Realize I need to get creative about finding times to listen.

To “celebrate” #InternationalPodcastDay, I encourage you to check out my favorite podcasts and recommendations in these previous posts:

More podcast recommendations – going beyond HIT

7 HIT blog and podcast recommendations

Tune in: recommendations for IT podcasts

Staying fit and informed

Value of podcasts for professional development

And of course, let me know if you have any favorites to recommend.

Happy listening!

ERPs enable business transformation

In the spirit of re-use and recognizing that I’ve already met my weekly discipline of blog writing, I encourage you to check out my StarBridge Advisors blog post published this week – “Will your ERP enable the business transformation you need?” After decades of focus on EHRs, health systems of all sizes have or are turning more attention to their ERP solution(s). In my post I share some of the key questions organizations need to consider and perspective on ensuring a successful ERP journey.

Related Posts:

Major implementations need experienced leadership

Ensuring go live success for large scale IT projects

Patient friendly testing – yes, a positive story!

The role of insurers in direct healthcare services may be debatable but I have at least one positive personal story worth sharing. It involves a claims review, a proactive call from my insurance company to schedule a needed test, and the test done in my home at my convenience a few weeks later.

Blog readers may remember my recent reference to a bad fall and injury. I have a fractured pelvic bone. When I was discharged from the ED, they ordered follow-up visits with my PCP and an ortho physician. I did a virtual visit with my PCP the next week and scheduled the in-person ortho appointment for the week after that. At the ortho appointment the physician said I should get another bone density test. I hadn’t had one for several years. I assumed she would put in an order, and I would get a call about scheduling the test.

The day after the ortho visit, I did get a call. But is from my insurance company. They said that based on claims info, I had fallen in the past year so I should get a bone density test. I asked if that was per my ortho and they said no, it was based on the claims info. Can I vouch for the interconnection between these two conversations? No. But I knew I needed the test so continued with the call. Continue reading

Tips on moving: gig economy, targeted donations, and online marketplaces

As briefly mentioned in recent blogs, my husband and I are in a transition phase – moving and downsizing. The last time we moved it was halfway across the country which brings its own challenges. What’s different this time is the number of people we’ve needed to help us, the number of new resources we’ve learned about through networking, and the focus on downsizing which means finding places where we can donate or sell stuff.

I’ve learned a lot the past few months and found some great resources. It’s no surprise to my regular readers that I’m willing to share some tips and resources. Here goes:

Finding trusted helpers – Our realtor lives in the neighborhood and has people he regularly uses and refers. Taking his recommendations, we used a handyman on some small projects and a few strong young men willing to move boxes and heavy items. This was all part of getting the house ready for photos, the listing, and open houses.

Sourcing local resources for small jobs – From our realtor I also learned about Surv, a company founded with community in mind that operates in eight states. CEO Pat Brown believes that Surv has the power to bridge social gaps, elevate young adults, and meet a community’s needs. Their mission is to build stronger communities through service. As they say on their website, “it’s more than an odd-job. By connecting Neighbors with hardworking Local Workers, we build lasting relationships that can uplift a community.”

Finding specialized services – Disassembling a very large free standing custom closet to move and reassemble at our new place became the biggest challenge for a few days after we accepted a very attractive offer. Our buyers said they didn’t want it because they planned to build a walk-in closet. We inherited the custom closet when we moved in so building a walk-in closet was something we too had considered but dismissed. If we were going to move it, I wanted someone who had some experience with custom closets. With a little research I landed on Home Depot and their Pro Referral service. Independent contractors fully vetted in terms of any criminal record, liability insurance, and licensed if needed. It took one call then I received an online link to a project request form and was matched with a few possible contractors.

Finding where to donate – Before we listed, we took several loads of donations to Savers. When it came to my business books and professional clothes, I wanted to find a more targeted place to donate. My husband is a retired minister and has 10 times as many books as me. Finding places to donate these items became a challenge. Sources I found include: Continue reading

Never too late to make time for a break

Labor Day weekend is upon us. The last holiday weekend of the summer. A summer that we hoped would be more normal. One where we could enjoy vacation travel, visiting family again, and spending time with friends.

Was your summer what you expected? Did you get the break from work you needed? Did you get to see family?

Talking to my oldest daughter this morning, she described it as “the summer of yes”. She is a nurse practitioner and given what last summer was like with COVID-19, this year she was able to do short trips with her family and friends to Martha’s Vineyard, New Hampshire, and Maine.  My youngest daughter and her husband finally got to see his family in Florida taking a road trip there with their two kids.

For our first vacations since before the pandemic, my husband and I planned a long Memorial Day weekend in New York City and a 2-week vacation in California that was to include a several day visit to my Minnesota family who I hadn’t seen since October 2019. Neither trip went as expected for health reasons. Over Memorial Day weekend, we spent two of the four days in a New York City hospital after my husband had another serious medical incident. I could write Part 2 of my September post “When healthcare becomes personal” at some point – this one would be a focus on the lack of interoperability. I’m happy to say he is fine but there are still medical mysteries for us. Our California trip had to be scrapped due to my injury from a bad fall though we still visited family in Minnesota where I was able to rest and take it easy.

But I can’t complain. It is truly heartbreaking to see the current COVID-19 surge with exhausted frontline healthcare workers and so many preventable deaths of people who are unvaccinated. We all long for better times.

If you have not found time this summer to take a break, even a “staycation” if you’re concerned about safe travel, or quality time with family, I hope you can find time in the coming weeks. I have written in the past about the importance of finding time to reboot, putting family first, and prioritizing self-care. Now more than ever we all need it.

Related Posts:

Take time to reboot

Renewal, big rocks, and the elusive work life balance

The 6 Rs of summer

Time to simplify

The past week has been an unexpected one. I’m one week out from a bad fall and injuries that will take a while to heal. Having to limit my mobility at a time when we are downsizing, getting our house ready to list and working full-time is not easy. I thought about writing a blog this week titled “In an instant” to describe how quickly things can change or “View from the other side” to describe my emergency room experience. Other than being in the ED far longer than I expected, I can only say positives about the hard-working hospital staff and how they took care of me.

But instead, I’m just going to keep it simple.

As I simplify what’s on my to do list, I decided August is a good time for a break from weekly blog writing. Many readers are on vacation and taking well deserved breaks. If you are looking for new content, check out two recent podcasts I did:

Newsday – HIMSS Plans and Pandemic Lessons Learned with Bill Russell.

Healthcare CIO Leadership, Innovation, and the Interim CIO with John Lynn.

I can’t compete with the amount of conference level content that Bill (This Week in Health IT) and John (Healthcare IT Today) produce throughout the year. But I’m grateful to periodically be part of what they do to continually educate and develop next generation leaders.

If listening to podcasts isn’t your thing, they both have much written content to check out as well. Or you can always peruse my past blogs by category and find some of the classics.

Look for my next blog in early September!

Most popular posts in the past year:

Career advice in a competitive market

8 health experts to follow

Rounding in a virtual world

Remote work – writing chapter three

Resources for your digital health journey

Vendor relationship management revisited

When healthcare becomes personal

Looking ahead to 2021 – predictions, emerging trends and some advice


HIMSS21 – ready or not

According to HIMSS there are over 18,000 people registered for the big event next week – either in-person in Las Vegas or virtual/digital. It’s not clear what the split looks like. With the current surge in COVID cases, I assume many registrants may decide to convert to virtual and not travel to Vegas in the next few days. I saw last week some people calling for HIMSS21 to be cancelled. I remember well the days leading up to the HIMSS20 cancellation in March last year. Who would have thought we’d be here again 17 months later? HIMSS appears to be taking all the necessary precautions with vaccine proof required of attendees and now adding a mask requirement while there.

I decided months ago to forego in person HIMSS this year. HIMSS20 registrants did not receive refunds but could apply it to HIMSS21. The conversion value from a full registration to a digital one was not a good one given the significant price difference but there wasn’t another choice as far as I knew.

In past years, I’ve written tips on attending HIMSS and how to make the most of it. Those general tips on education, networking, and vendors still hold true whether in-person or virtual. The education opportunities are probably what digital attendees can get the most from though I’m hoping there are also opportunities to learn about new vendors from a distance.

I’m usually a last-minute planner when it comes to HIMSS. I don’t usually look closely at the schedule and make my specific plans until close to the event. As a digital attendee, I tried to keep my calendar flexible next week so I could attend as many digital sessions as possible. But as busy as I am these days, that didn’t work out so well.

So, I’m down to spending some time this weekend figuring out what is available for the digital attendees, deciding what is of most value to me given my current work and focus, and what’s even possible given my calendar. I’m open to any recommendations on digital sessions from those among you who have mapped out your plans. And any general tips on making the most of a digital registration.

Bill Russell has an interesting plan for his HIMSS time next week which will be virtual after he recently assessed his own personal risk level. Continue reading