Guardrails Matter: Protecting Ethics, Trust, and Stability in Health IT

I don’t know about you, but my head is spinning these days. So much happening at such an incredible speed. While it may sound like I’m talking about the typical workday for health IT leaders in fast paced organizations, I’m referring to the bigger picture of our federal government under the new administration. I’ve not written a blog in several weeks – in part for loss of words and in part because I’ve had a partial work break spending time in warmer climates.

In the spirit of amplifying important messages from others, my re-entry to blogging is to share an important blog written recently by my StarBridge Advisors colleague, David Muntz – “Protecting Trusted Guardrails: The Perils of Removing Essential Protections”. David has firsthand experience working in the federal government. He left his CIO role at Baylor Health in 2012 to accept a White House appointment to serve as the first Principal Deputy National Coordinator and CIO at ONC (Health and Human Services’ Office of the National Coordinator) through the following year. He was a member of HHS’ Chief of Staff Council and Chair of the Federal Health Architecture and mHealth Councils.

The message in his blog is a strong one that health IT leaders can relate to.

Guardrails, whether physical, organizational, or ethical exist for a reason. They safeguard patient safety, data privacy, free expression, and public trust while ensuring that critical institutions operate with integrity and accountability. When these safeguards are dismantled or weakened, the risks to individuals, organizations, and society become profound.

David explores the vital role of independent oversight, regulatory protections, and ethical leadership, drawing on his decades of experience in healthcare, government service, and executive leadership. Recent mass firings and policy shifts raise urgent concerns about transparency, security, and long-term stability.

Key questions that apply to our work as health IT leaders:

  • What happens when critical oversight is removed?
  • How do we ensure ethical governance in a rapidly evolving world?
  • What are the long-term consequences of dismantling trusted institutions?

Now more than ever, we must stand for principled leadership, responsible governance, and a commitment to the greater good. We must uphold the values that sustain our institutions and protect our future.

I encourage you to read his blog and as always stay informed, vigilant and engaged.

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From MLK to Today: Defending Democracy, Diversity, and Justice Together


From MLK to Today: Defending Democracy, Diversity, and Justice Together

The irony of Martin Luther King Day and this presidential inauguration falling on the same day is one that’s hard to wrap my head around. So, I was glad to see there were several local events over the MLK holiday weekend sponsored by the No Place for Hate committee in our town.

My husband and I attended a free showing of the 2018 documentary, “I Am MLK, Jr.” on Friday night. (You can find it on various streaming services at home). What a powerful story it told. In just 12 years and 4 months, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had a profound impact on our democracy and fight for social justice.

Seeing that movie made me wonder what Dr. King would say if he were alive and witnessing the inauguration today.

On Sunday afternoon, we attended a program that included a keynote from Reverend Rahsaan D. Hall, President and CEO of the Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts. At an earlier weekend rally in Boston, the Boston Globe quoted Reverend Hall as saying in response to the new administration, “We’ll double down on the three D’s of defending democracy, demanding diversity, and defeating poverty” as their north star. On Sunday, he delivered a passionate talk with a closing message that emphasized repeatedly that change takes total participation.

Yes, the fight for social justice continues and it does take total participation. Some of Dr. King’s most famous quotes are especially poignant as we prepare for this next administration:

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?”

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

“The time is always right to do what is right.”

Shortly after the election I bought two of Timothy Snyder’s books, “On Tyranny – Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century” and “On Freedom”. But I’ve hesitated to jump in. As this new administration becomes reality and we see more clearly what lies ahead, I decided it was time to read “On Tyranny”. I read it in a little over an hour on Saturday and I highly recommend it. Some of the key lessons: don’t obey in advance, support institutions, believe in truth, and contribute to good causes.

On Sunday night, we watched a virtual event sponsored by Red Wine & Blue – “Keep Calm and Listen to Heather Cox Richardson: Inauguration Eve”. It was just what we needed. Richardson writes a daily newsletter called, Letters from an American, which is also available as a podcast. For well over a year, I have made reading her letter my first “to do” with a cup of coffee each morning. As a history professor, last night she put things into perspective and reminded us that small groups of people can change history.

Red Wine & Blue sounds like they are trying to do just that – their website describes them as, “A national community of over half a million diverse suburban women working together to defeat extremism, one friend at a time. We train and connect women from across the country of all political backgrounds – including many who have never been political before – to get sh*t done and have fun along the way.” In what they call TroubleNation, they already have over 500 chapters for grassroots community organizing in 49 states.

As I’ve closed some of my past blog posts, now more than ever we need to stay informed, engaged and vigilant.

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Finding truth post-election: staying informed, vigilant and engaged

Martin Luther King Day and why it matters – 2020

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – why it matters

Hate has no place

Staying Positive, Telling the Truth, and Defending Care: Timely Advice for Health Leaders

In the weeks following the November 5th election, I significantly reduced my news intake, but I continue to read and stay informed as I encourage everyone to do. Objective perspective and advice on how to navigate the changes we are going through as a country is always welcome. I was struck last week by an insightful article that one of our best healthcare leaders wrote. I’ve highlighted his articles in the past in this blog. His latest is one of the best things I’ve read in recent weeks. You guessed it – I’m talking about Michael Dowling, President and CEO at Northwell Health.

On this 4th anniversary of what has become known as “January 6” or simply “J6” on social media, and as we watch the way a peaceful transition of power is supposed to be, Dowling’s advice to healthcare leaders is timely. In the article, “Michael Dowling: 6 priorities for health leaders in a new era of change and disruption”, published in Becker’s Hospital Review on January 2nd, he discusses 6 key areas to consider:

  1. Maintain a positive attitude.
  2. Tell our positive story.
  3. Be a conveyor of truth.
  4. Be supportive of new opportunities.
  5. Defend access to care.
  6. Values matter.

While they all resonate with me, #3 really strikes a chord as we consider some of the potential new faces who will be leading and influencing healthcare in the new administration. As Dowling says: “We must never waver from our responsibility to preserve credibility and trust in evidence-based science. Scientific discoveries and their resulting treatments have had profound, positive benefits in increasing the lifespan of people worldwide. We must not be afraid to denounce skeptics who promote misinformation and stoke public fears.”

The last point is also a powerful one for me, yes, values do matter. As Dowling says: “Now more than ever, we as healthcare leaders need to promote the values of decency, respect, integrity, honesty and trust. We must be positive role models who embrace a sense of unity, togetherness and community — not anger and resentment.”

Leadership is hard. Staying true to your values is hard. But we owe it to those we serve.

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Your Voice is Your Power: Standing Up for Democracy in a Divisive Election Season

As we go about our daily work and home life, who can forget that there is an election going on? Even if you are not watching or reading the news you can’t escape it. Nor should you. This is probably the most consequential presidential election of our lifetime. We all must ask ourselves what kind of world we want for our children and grandchildren. Who speaks to our values? Who can we trust with our future and our democracy?

If you know me or are a regular reader of my blog, you know my answer. Yes, I have a button that says, “We are not going back”. And I have my “I voted early” sticker. With this consequential election a week away, I can’t be silent.

I proudly display my RBG art in my home workspace where she is visible over my shoulder on all my zoom calls and podcast interviews. It is often a conversation starter with both men and women when they see it for the first time.

While we may want to shy away from speaking out and openly supporting the candidate of our choice, I have great respect for people who are willing to publicly state their support for Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz as our next President and Vice President. This includes a growing list of business leaders. And not to be ignored, many long-standing Republican leaders and former Trump administration officials are warning us based on their first-hand knowledge and experience that he is unfit to lead and a danger to our democracy.

I am encouraged to see healthcare leaders willing to post their very insightful support for the Harris/Walz ticket on LinkedIn which is supposed to be a professional network and not political. Continue reading

Championing DEI – personal stories and lessons from leaders

We learn from our own experiences, and we learn from other’s experiences when they are willing to share their stories. The impetus behind starting this blog was to share and help teach others, especially next generation leaders.  I have shared lessons learned both professionally and personally over the years. And I have shared many stories along the way.

My latest contribution in this sharing space is based on my ongoing commitment to promote diversity, equity and inclusion. As a member of the CHIME DEI committee for the past few years, I’ve come to know many colleagues in deep ways as we share our stories with each other and work to educate the broader CHIME community.

The newest offering from the committee is a video series called “Inclusive Insights: Personal Stories of Diversity in Action”. An insightful interview with Cletis Earle last month was the first in the series. Cletis is the CHIME DEI Committee Co-Chair and former SVP and CIO at Penn State Health and College of Medicine. I encourage you to view it here. He covered how DEI played a role in his career, why organizations should not turn away from DEI, how he advocates for DEI at work and in his community, and shares advice for colleagues trying to enhance diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging in their organizations.

I’m honored to be the second person in the series to share my story – it is available here. I covered common myths and misperceptions about DEI, challenges I have faced in my career and how I overcame them, the role that mentorship and sponsorship play in fostering diversity and inclusion, the role of allies, and more.

When I first joined CHIME as a new CIO in 2000, the makeup of the group was very different from what it is today. There is far more diversity among health IT leaders today compared to back then. CHIME’s explicit commitment to DEI in recent years through the committee’s work and the programming at in-person conferences is encouraging.

We have made progress but there is more work to be done. We’re in it together.

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One year later – an increased focus on diversity, equity and inclusion

Networking and navigating a tight job market

Are we in a tight job market? It sure sounds like it from all the calls I’m getting from colleagues having a hard time finding a new position. Probably the best indicator though of a tight job market is that unemployment has been under 4% for the last 2+ years.

At StarBridge Advisors, we have many advisors who are only interested in interim and advisory work while others are looking for their next permanent position but available for interim and advisory engagements in the meantime. On our recent monthly advisors call, I asked those who are looking for their next permanent position what their current job search experience tells them. Trends they see are more internal promotions rather than hiring from outside the organization and hiring from the local area or region rather than relocating someone. One of them also commented that with so many boutique search firms, it can be hard to know who to reach out to regarding openings.

Another sign of the tight job market might be the fact that a LinkedIn post I shared on job interview skills got over 2,000 impressions in a short timeframe.

Knowing how important networking is, I take every call request I get from people I know who need career advice. And when colleagues reach out asking if they can send someone my way to talk, I say yes. I seem to be a go to kind of person keeping tabs on the market for health IT leadership positions but more importantly I’m always willing to help if I can. People have helped me along the way, so I do the same.

I also write a lot about career management and all things related in this blog. You can always search previous posts for more career advice. And I do short career coaching engagements – if it helps you to land your next opportunity, this small investment in yourself could be very worthwhile!

I know from personal experience that a job search takes a lot of patience and persistence. Beyond networking, spend time doing your research. Maintain a positive attitude and be open to various possibilities. Our industry continues to evolve, and the health ecosystem is broad with many different types of organizations to consider.

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Building bridges for success: the role of interim leaders in healthcare IT

I have written in the past about interim management in terms of when it makes sense for an organization and shared some lessons from my own experience. Following my career as a CIO at two leading academic health systems, I have served four different healthcare providers as an interim leader – three as CIO, one as CTO. As a principal at StarBridge Advisors the past 7 plus years, I have placed and overseen interim IT leaders at many healthcare organizations. I know firsthand how interim leaders provide an important bridge during leadership transitions and can make a significant impact on an organization in a short time.

I recently had the opportunity to do an interview with the Advisory Board on interim management. We covered a lot of ground together. Some of the highlights from our discussion:

    • Rising Executive Turnover in Healthcare: healthcare organizations are grappling with a 66% increase in hospital CEO exits in 2023 and there is a resulting surge in demand for interim leaders.
    • Role of Interim Leaders: interim leaders play a critical role in steering organizations through transitions, making quick assessments, and delivering tangible results within a six-month timeframe.
    • Preparing for Transition: clear communication and preparation are needed when bringing on an interim leader, including briefing books, townhall meetings, and the support of the hiring executive is critical.
    • Driving Long-Term Improvements: organizations can leverage the expertise of interim leaders to drive sustainable change, focusing on agreed-upon areas of improvement and setting the stage for the permanent leader’s success.

The Advisory Board article, How to navigate executive turnover: A Q&A with StarBridge Advisors’ Sue Schade (, is available to non-members if you set up a free account.

When your organization has a critical IT leadership gap, turn to StarBridge Advisors. We can make available to you fully vetted, world-class healthcare IT executives, inclusive of CIOs, CISOs, CMIOs, CNIOs, CTOs, and others. And if you choose to use an internal interim, we can provide coaching support to them to ensure they are well positioned to be successful in the role. Our advisors all come from health system backgrounds and have a wealth of knowledge and experience which often stretches far beyond the provider space.

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Celebrating Women’s History Month: Championing Diversity in Health IT

What better time than Women’s History Month to highlight the many initiatives lifting up women in our health IT industry.

It has been 10 years since I started speaking out more publicly as a health IT professional about women’s issues though I am a long-time feminist having come of age during the women’s movement of the 1970s. In 2014, I was asked to do a keynote talk on a topic of my choice at a 200-person health IT conference. It was one of those vendor sponsored, invitation only events. I was the speaker during the first night’s dinner. I titled my talk: “Our Future Workforce – Unlocking the Potential”. I talked about the fact that not enough women were going into STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields and the need to encourage and support women at all levels. Prior to the talk I wrote this post – Technology, where are all the women? – and afterwards I wrote this one describing the positive response to my talk – Women and technology, part 2 – from an audience that was probably 80% men!

When I launched this blog several months before that talk in 2014, I made sure to create a category called “On Women and Work” knowing I’d be periodically writing about women’s issues, and not just in March each year.

Fast forward to 2024. I am certainly not a lone voice in our industry. Many women focused initiatives have emerged. Here are just a few to highlight: Continue reading

How healthcare providers can empower voters for a healthier democracy

It’s Super Tuesday – a day when voters in 15 states and one U.S. territory go to the polls for the presidential primary election. I’ve written in the past about the importance of exercising your right to vote, voting your values, and highlighted some of the non-partisan “get out the vote” organizations.

This time I want to address the intersection of voting and healthcare, but not from a policy perspective. You can probably guess my views on key policies. But rather from an empowering everyone to vote perspective. Whether you vote in the primary or not, much is at stake in the November general election.

Let me start with a very progressive organization, A Healthier Democracy, that I learned about last year when their CEO, Dr. Alister Martin, spoke at the annual NEHIMSS Chapter Conference. According to their website:

A Healthier Democracy builds platforms for collaboration and community organizing at the intersection of health and civic engagement to maximize collective impact on pressing challenges.

They are home to five high-impact national initiatives. There are two initiatives involving voting that I want to highlight – Vot-ER and Patient Voting: Continue reading

The art of mentoring: insights for leaders

Being a mentor is a fundamental role of leaders. A mentoring relationship may be a formal or informal arrangement. I’m currently participating in two formal mentor programs through the NEHIMSS chapter and the Emerging Leaders Program of RIBBA (Rhode Island Black Business Association). Informally I serve as a mentor for many people.

I’ve written many blogs referencing the importance of being a mentor and having a mentor. Bill Russell and I share a commitment to developing next generation leaders. He outlined his concise framework for mentoring on a recent This Week Health Newsroom podcast – “A Framework for Mentoring”. As Bill explains, it’s all about helping your mentee to expand – their network, experience, knowledge and thinking.

As a leader, you have a broad network, and you can help expose your mentee to it. I truly believe that one of the most important introductions I ever received was as the new CIO at Brigham and Women’s Hospital when I attended my first CHIME conference in early 2000. My boss, John Glaser, CIO at Partners HealthCare, (now called Mass General Brigham) introduced me to his CIO colleagues at other large health systems and academic medical centers.  Those connections helped greatly in my early CIO years and laid the foundation for getting more involved in CHIME. When I mentor people, making introductions to others who can be helpful to them is high on the list early in our conversations.

Expanding a mentee’s experience can happen most effectively when you work together in the same organization. Being able to have your mentee participate in certain meetings or initiatives on your behalf or with you is a powerful show of support and encouragement to them.

And of course, expanding their knowledge and thinking comes from your ongoing discussions and the resources you recommend to them. This Week Health is one of the resources I regularly recommend to mentees and others I talk with who are looking to stay current and relevant. Between the various podcasts, interviews with health IT leaders, and daily news headlines, it is worth checking out and sharing with others. As Bill describes it, “This Week Health is a set of channels and events dedicated to transform healthcare one connection at a time”.

Think back over your career to the people who have mentored you in some way. Guessing you would agree that what mentors do is truly priceless.

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