We got our shot!

My husband and I got our first dose vaccine shot on Saturday. And yes, there is a sense of relief to be at this point a year after it all started.

March 5, 2020 feels like the last normal day for me. I had lunch in a restaurant with my daughter who is an NP at a Boston hospital. I was anxiously waiting to hear that HIMSS20 would be cancelled and wondered what they were waiting for. I discussed the risks of going with my daughter. I decided during that conversation not to go even if they held it (I got the cancellation notice as we were leaving the restaurant). I asked her about the Coronavirus from a clinical perspective. She said we’re “f’d” and projected 100,000 cases in the U.S. by April 1st. We now know it was to be far worse.

As a frontline healthcare worker, she was fully vaccinated by early January. Two weeks ago, she helped about fifteen of her husband’s 65 years and older family members and their friends navigate the somewhat confusing multiple websites in Massachusetts to schedule first dose appointments.

Here is my Rhode Island story. The vaccination site was a junior high in our town. Overall, it was a smooth process. When we pulled into the parking lot there was a sign that said wait in your car until 5 minutes before your appointment to avoid people crowding at the door. Our town Mayor was there working – that was a pleasant surprise. He took temperatures and asked initial screening questions at the door. I greeted him and commented on the fact that he was working – his somewhat joking reply was, “I have to earn my keep”.

Next, we went to the “check in” table. We gave them our IDs and they looked us up on the list of people scheduled for an appointment that day. The list was in no sort order, so it took a while. We then moved into the gymnasium where there were about eight vaccine stations. Firefighters and EMTs gave the actual shots. My husband was considered to have moderate risk of a reaction, so his PCP advised him to stay for 30-minute observation. When he shared that information, a physician was called over to ask him a few questions before he got the shot.

With information on how to sign up for the CDC’s v-safe app (after vaccination health checker), and our vaccination cards in hand we went to the observation area with many seats set up socially distanced. There were several people wandering around the area offering to help you make your second appointment or you could just use the QR code they provided on posters visible on the backs of the chair in front of you to sign up for 4 weeks out.

If you know me well, you know that I always have an eye out for process improvements. Continue reading

What is a “Digital Dog”?

My colleague, David Muntz, coined the term “digital dog” this week when he described to our StarBridge Advisors team how my two little dogs are so well informed as they walk with me every day while I listen to podcasts. I loved the term and the image!

There is so much great content to listen to. I sometimes feel like my little dogs with their short legs trying to keep up with me as I try to keep up with my two favorite podcasts – This Week in Health IT and In the Bubble. Yes, I subscribe to many more, but these are the top two that I keep up with best I can.

This Week in Health IT is three different weekly shows (each approximately 45 minutes long) – Newsday (Monday), Solution Showcase (Wednesday), and Influencers (Friday). And starting this year Bill Russell decided his audience could benefit from another option so he launched a daily news show on a separate channel – Today in Health IT (shorter at 8-10 minutes each).

I agreed to be one of the rotating co-hosts on Newsday this year. My second episode with Bill was this week – Newsday – Drive-Thru Vaccine Distribution, Reaching the Marginalized, and CIO Priorities. The first topic we covered was the UC Health Mass Vaccination Playbook – a comprehensive resource that is worth downloading. Even if you are already doing similar mass vaccine sites, I am sure there is something to learn from their playbook to refine and improve your own operation. Best practice sharing is what we do in healthcare! Check out the podcast to hear all the stories we discussed.

So that’s my plug for the best podcast series to keep up with what’s happening in health IT.

Turning to my other top podcast, In the Bubble. This is how I stay educated on COVID-19 and all things related. Continue reading

400,000 lives lost – finally a national strategy

On December 14 with the first frontline workers in the U.S. starting to receive the vaccine there was great optimism and hope that we had entered a new chapter of this pandemic. But six weeks later over 100,000 more people have died of COVID-19 and only 16.5M of the total 36M vaccine doses distributed have been administered. 5% of the U.S. population has been vaccinated though only 2.1M people have received the full two doses.

On Tuesday night, on inauguration eve, the new administration held a National Moment of Unity and Remembrance. A simple ceremony in front of the Lincoln Memorial to mourn and honor the over 400,000 people who have lost their lives to COVID-19 in less than a year. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris spoke briefly, an ICU nurse from Michigan sang Amazing Grace, and 400 beams of light were lit up along the reflecting pool in front of the Washington Monument – one for every 1000 lives lost. Across the country bells tolled and buildings were lit up. It was a simple yet moving and much needed moment for all of us.

Five hours after President Biden took the oath of office on Wednesday, he was signing his first set of executive orders. Three of them including the very first were directly aimed at the pandemic – “100 days masking challenge”, rejoining the World Health Organization (WHO), and creating the position of COVID-19 response coordinator. Dr. Anthony Fauci is the U.S. representative to the WHO executive board and joined his first call on Thursday. Jeff Zients, who served as chief performance officer under President Barack Obama and led the rescue of HealthCare.gov, has begun his work as the COVID-19 response coordinator. Zients is “ready to manage the hell out of it”, as Biden said last Friday.

The new administration is getting right to work, and the pandemic is a top priority. A National Strategy for the COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness was released yesterday. Continue reading

Health leadership and priorities in the Biden Administration

Over the past several weeks, we have watched as President-Elect Joe Biden has announced his cabinet nominees and other senior officials. He has done it one major area at a time. The health nominees and appointees can be found here. They are an impressive, well qualified team.

The CDC appointment may be one of the most important and consequential of all given the pandemic and how confidence in the CDC has eroded over the past year. Dr. Rochelle Walensky is ready to turn that around and I for one am both excited and optimistic. You can get a sense of who she is and how she will lead the CDC in a recent In The Bubble with Andy Slavitt interview: Meet the New CDC Director (with Rochelle Walensky).

Getting the pandemic under control is the top priority of the new administration. Biden has outlined a $1.9 trillion stimulus plan that includes more than $400 billion to fight the pandemic directly. The COVID-19 portion includes $20 billion for a national vaccine plan, launching community vaccination centers, deploying mobile vaccination units in hard-to-reach areas, $50 billion for testing expansion, funding 100,000 public health workers for vaccine outreach and contact tracing, funding for health services in underserved populations, and $10 billion for pandemic supplies.

We all know that health IT is critical to healthcare transformation. In a December 15th letter to President-Elect Joe Biden, HIMSS identified the following as key health priorities for 2021 and beyond and pledged to diligently work with Biden and his administration on the issues that require immediate action beginning in 2021. Continue reading

Developing next generation leaders 2021 style  

In 2021, I have said yes to one more way I can help develop next generation leaders. I am excited to be one of the rotating co-hosts on This Week In Health IT Monday Newsday series. Bill Russell has done an amazing job the past three years growing and evolving This Week In Health IT into several different podcast series and channels. Bill shares my commitment to developing next generation leaders through his many different offerings, so I quickly said yes when asked to be one of the co-hosts in the new format of the Newsday series.  Our first episode together will be available January 11, so I hope you will check it out.

Bill’s commitment and goal is clear: develop the next generation of health leaders by amplifying the best thinking. This Week In Health IT has proven to be a valuable contribution to our industry. My health IT advisory firm, StarBridge Advisors, is proud to continue as a channel sponsor in 2021.

After a very successful 2020 with 230,000 downloads and 177 new episodes including the daily COVID Field Report series from March to July, Bill has changed things up yet again for 2021. There are several options to pick and choose from for yourself and to share with your teams. These offerings provide a no-cost, easy, accessible way for staying current and continuing to learn from others.

Monday Newsday – replacing the Tuesday Newsday show, every Monday Bill will have a co-host to discuss key stories in the news.

Wednesday Solutions Showcase – 2020 episodes highlighted AI, Robotic Process Automation, Machine Learning, End Point Security, Social Determinants of Health partnerships, Mental Health integration with primary care and more.

Friday Influencers – Interviews with industry leaders. Guests include IT leaders, health executives and experts who can shed light on the challenges that healthcare faces and the potential solutions. Continue reading

Looking ahead to 2021 – predictions, emerging trends, and some advice

The calendar is a familiar demarcation for the close of one year and the start of a new year. We celebrate together and make resolutions alone. Never in my lifetime has there been a year that I have wanted to see in the rear-view mirror more than 2020. I know that I’m not alone in that sentiment. But the true demarcation will only come later in 2021 when enough people have been vaccinated and we can say this pandemic is largely behind us.

Health IT leaders and their teams across the country have demonstrated incredible creativity, collaboration, resilience, and commitment to their communities this past year. I am in awe of and encouraged by what they have accomplished.

As we come out of this long, dark period in our history with so much loss and so much learned, like others I have some advice for IT professionals next year.

My StarBridge Advisors colleague, David Muntz, has already shared his thoughts on the challenges and opportunities for the coming year as he does each year in a View from the Bridge blog post – “12 Steps to Prepare for 2021 – Big Challenges – Bigger Opportunities”. As always, David has done an excellent job of capturing the key ones with his comments on collaboration, reinventing your IT organization, partnerships, life-work balance, cybersecurity, SDOH, EHR satisfaction, ERP solutions, and more.

I’ll add a few to the list:

    • Capture and institutionalize what allowed your team to work at “COVID speed” – laser focus, fewer concurrent priorities, rapid decision making, and funding.
    • Double down on efforts to increase interoperability within your system and region. Enhance your analytic capabilities. Scale and extend virtual care options which will continue to represent a good portion of care even post-pandemic.
    • Establish the right balance of onsite and remote work for your team once it is safe to return to the office. Account for both the organization’s needs, and your employees needs. Continue to be flexible knowing your team delivers regardless where they are working. Use your new model as an opportunity to rethink your recruitment and talent strategy.
    • As CIO claim your expanded role whether it is as Chief Digital Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, or leading a non-IT operational area. You have more than proven yourself during this pandemic and the rest of the c-suite knows it.

Continue reading

8 health experts to follow

In past years, I’ve used the end of the year mark as a way to highlight my most read blogs of the year and encourage you to check them out if you missed them. But who cares about my most read blogs? Instead, I want to amplify the voices of health experts who have educated us throughout this pandemic and who will continue to for many months to come. If you aren’t already following them on social media or listening to their podcasts, I encourage you to do so. They are often interviewed on the major news programs.

Trusting the science, knowing the facts, and maintaining objectivity are critical for all of us to do our part and get safely to the other side of this pandemic.

Here are the experts I recommend you follow in alphabetical order:

Esther Choo, MD, MPH, Co-Founder, Equity Quotient, is an emergency physician and professor at the Oregon Health & Science University. She has been speaking from the front lines of the pandemic since the beginning. She did a podcast series called Doctors’s Log – A Covid-19 Journal in the early months of the pandemic. Twitter: @choo_ek

Laurie Garrett is a Pulitzer Prize winning science journalist and author of several books including “The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance” and “Betrayal of Trust: The Collapse of Global Public Health”. In 2007, she did a TED talk “Lessons from the 1918 Flu”.  Twitter: @Laurie_Garrett

Ashish Jha, MD, MPH, is an internationally respected expert on pandemic response and preparedness. He recently left his position as faculty director of the Harvard Global Health Institute and became dean of the Brown University School of Public Health.  His recent interview on In the Bubble with Andy Slavitt, “The Next Three Stages of COVID-19”, is worth checking out. And as I just learned, he also has his own podcast series, “COVID: What Comes Next”. He is a frequent contributor on all the major news outlets. Twitter: @ashishkjha

Vivek Murthy, MD, MBA, has been nominated as the next U.S. Surgeon General, a role he also served in during the Obama Administration.  He is the co-chair of the Biden COVID Task Force. His recent interview on in the Bubble with Andy Slavitt, “Inside the Biden COVID Task Force”, is worth checking out. Twitter: @vivek_murthy

Michael Osterholm, MS, MPH, PhD, is the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota and is a world-renowned epidemiologist who has spent his career investigating outbreaks. He is a member of the Biden COVID Task Force. Continue reading

Say yes to students – they are our future

There are just so many hours in the day. We can choose what we say yes to and what we say no to. As part of my commitment to developing next generation leaders, I always say yes to individual requests from students and invitations to be a guest speaker at a school. And I never know what other potential connections might come from it.

One of those requests came in October. I got a LinkedIn message asking to be on a panel at the annual Boston Young Healthcare Professionals (BYHP) conference. The young woman who reached out had been an intern in our program at Michigan Medicine when I was CIO. I quickly said yes.

The conference was on “Expanding Our View and Zooming In: What We Can Learn About Healthcare in Our Backyard and Around the World”. My panel was “Healthcare in a Technological Era: Making Boston’s Backyard Even Bigger”. Robert Schultz, managing director at Massnex, was the moderator. On the panelist prep call, I got to know Robert and the other panelists. Robert and I quickly realized that there might be opportunities to work together in the future, so we scheduled a separate call. That call led to another invitation.

Robert teaches the course “Entrepreneurship in Healthcare Organizations” in the Wagner Graduate School of Public Service MPA program at NYU. He asked if I would be a judge for the final class when the students make their business plan pitches – he said think “Shark Tank” but nicer. Of course, I said yes. Continue reading

V-Day – With the vaccine comes hope

The UK administered the first fully tested and approved COVID-19 vaccine this week. The U.S. could be administering the vaccine as early as next week. There is hope!

Projections are that by summer 2021, most everyone in the U.S. who wants a vaccine will be able to get it. There is hope!

The Biden Administration’s health team has been announced. There will be a new reliance on clinicians, scientists, and public health experts. There is hope!

And yet, the challenges are many. To name just a few: overall supply vs demand, distribution logistics and storage, logistics of administering the vaccine, establishing guidelines for prioritized groups to receive it, ensuring both doses are administered at the right time interval, and of course public trust in the vaccine.

As I have read and listened the past week, I have learned how the free market impacts the availability of key components for the manufacturers, that each state can decide on their group priorities after the CDC publishes the guidelines, and that only about 60% of the population say they are willing to take the vaccine.

On a more encouraging note, I have heard how provider organizations have been developing their vaccine administration plan for months and how a leading pharmacy chain is planning to scale administration across their 10,000 locations and has an app ready to go for tracking patients, scheduling appointments, and sending reminders for the second dose.

I encourage you to check out these resources to understand the issues involved:

In the Bubble with Andy Slavitt podcast – Toolkit: Where and When Can I Get the Vaccine? He talks about the science with Dr. David Agus and the logistics with CVS Health’s Tom Moriarty. Together they answer questions from listeners.

Interview with Dr. Atul Gawande in the New Yorker by David Remnick – Atul Gawande on Coronavirus Vaccines and Prospects for Ending the Pandemic. It covers a lot of ground and Dr. Gawande is as insightful here as he is in his regular New Yorker pieces and many books. Continue reading

Well past time to support our healthcare workers – Part 2

I knew that Governor Gina Raimondo had announced a two week pause starting November 30th and that there were growing concerns about hospital capacity here in Rhode Island. But when I got this alert pushed to my phone Monday morning like everyone else in the state, it became very real again.

I knew there was discussion about opening a field hospital in Rhode Island. But when I saw that the lead story on one of the national morning news shows was an interview with the field hospital director on opening day December 1st, it became very real again.

I knew that our ED at the largest hospital in the state was at a breaking point as I have been following Dr. Megan Ranney closely on social media in recent weeks. But when I heard her describe what it is like in the ED on this week’s In the Bubble podcast with Andy Slavitt – “Following One Shift in the COVID-19 Unit”, it became very real again. Listening to her describe mentally getting ready for her shift, donning and doffing layers of PPE that is worn the entire shift, assessing and admitting very sick patients, calling families with updates, and heading out the door with her physically exhausted co-workers at the end of a long shift, I came to appreciate even more what our frontline healthcare workers are doing 24×7 in hospitals across the country.

I am not a denialist. Quite the opposite. I have taken this virus seriously since the start. I wear a mask whenever I’m out and can’t be socially distanced. I keep a journal of all our outings and contacts. I have the Crush Covid RI app that includes a location tracker diary for the past 20 days on my phone. I have watched many news stories, read many articles, and listened to many podcasts in the past 9 months. I feel very educated and informed. And at times, I feel very sad – so many stories have brought me to tears.

When I hear about new restrictions in my state, I typically tell my husband no change for us, we’re already living that way.

But it hit me different this week. Continue reading