Bridging the gap with an interim leader

My husband and I have both served in interim roles this year. Tom left IT in the mid-1990s to become a Unitarian Universalist minister. He is now a retired minister who does a lot of guest preaching and writing and is very active in our denomination nationally. He did part-time interim ministry at two different churches in our area this year. The first was for 3 months early in the year, and the second was for 4 months this Fall. He was filling in for ministers who were on sabbatical. His role was to preach and lead worship on Sundays, work with the board and staff, and be available as needed for pastoral care.

Compare this to the interim CTO engagement I’ve done since late May. A full-time role keeping infrastructure projects moving forward, helping to ensure a successful Epic go live, dealing with day to day issues, and helping recruit the permanent CTO.

Interim leadership roles take different forms. They range from “keeping the seat warm” to turnaround situations where significant change is needed. Regardless of the role, an interim needs to be able to confidently step into the role, build relationships, gain respect, and get up to speed quickly. Continue reading

Getting ready for 2020 – 10 steps for health IT leaders

One of my greatest joys when we started StarBridge Advisors back in 2016 was to be able to partner with someone as smart and insightful as David Muntz. He has a long career history as a healthcare CEO, a CIO and as a senior leader in the Office of the National Coordinator. I continually learn from David and appreciate his provocative thinking,

David’s advice for 2020 is no exception. In his recent post, “10 Steps to Prepare for 2020 – Big Challenges – Bigger Opportunities” on our StarBridge Advisors blog “View from the Bridge”, David starts off by challenging CIOs to begin thinking of themselves as CDSOs – Chief Digital Services Officer. He goes on to highlight the importance of encouraging innovation, embracing AI, addressing governance issues, physician burnout and more. And ever mindful of how leaders must take care of themselves to be at the top of their game, he closes with a message on self-care.

Here’s David’s blog post in its entirety:

10 Steps to Prepare for 2020 – Big Challenges – Bigger Opportunities

It’s that time of year again when prognosticators and futurists compile a top 10 list for the upcoming year. Please joining me in welcoming 2020 with a call to action for our wonderfully challenging and opportunity rich healthcare IT environment.

Before starting the list of recommended actions, I suggest that we IT professionals change the way we refer to ourselves — now, even before the turn of the year. Please join me in a self-directed evolution by shifting our reference from IT to Digital Services. That change would suggest using the title CDSO instead of the familiar CIO. The rationale for doing so, though relatively obvious, will be suggested in another blog.

Digital Service (DS) leaders will need a steady hand on the rudder to lead their organizations through some rough waters. Some of the themes below are repeated from last year…they still deserve your attention and efforts. Continue reading

With Gratitude

I was struck by the recent Becker’s Hospital Review article highlighting healthcare CEO messages of thanks to their staff. I saw gratitude, humility, commitment, servant leadership and a true passion for what we do in healthcare and how we serve our communities. Jim Hinton, CEO of Baylor Scott & White Health (Dallas) said Thanksgiving is his favorite holiday because the focus is not on gifts but rather on thanks. He quoted John F. Kennedy who said, “We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.” So true. And so important.

I am thankful for my family who are my “big rocks”. My husband, Tom, has been my best friend for over 45 years. My daughters, Katie and Ann, now have families of their own. We all get along and live close enough to see each other often. My grandkids who I fondly call the “fab four” bring energy and fun to every get together. And I am thankful for my siblings and their families who I do my best to keep in touch with halfway across the country.

I am thankful to my StarBridge Advisors colleagues, David Muntz and Russ Rudish, who started this adventure with me three years ago. And I am grateful for the talented team of advisors who have chosen to work with us and to all the healthcare organizations who have trusted us enough to hire us as interim leaders, advisors and leadership coaches the past few years.

I am thankful for my team at the University of Vermont Health Network where I have served as interim Chief Technology Officer since late May. I am grateful to everyone who is part of “team Epic” and worked so hard to ensure a successful go live a few weeks ago. The staff who worked many 12-hour shifts, the operational leaders who partnered with IT, and all the users who were patient with us as we diligently fixed issues.

I am thankful to all my health IT colleagues across the industry who I continue to learn from and who help make me a better person.

And I am thankful that I work in an industry that makes a difference in peoples’ lives every single day.

Related posts:

Crunch time and why IT matters

A passion for healthcare

Do you know your big rocks?


Epic Go Live – report from the field

Many of you have been through a major EHR implementation and go live. I’ve been through them before as well. The teamwork of a go live is like nothing else I’ve ever experienced.canstockphoto16071239 (1) teamwork

There is the overnight cutover period that was practiced numerous times as “cutover dry runs” with the goal of making sure it goes smooth and can be done in the shortest time possible. After all, you are asking a hospital to go to downtime procedures until you can bring up the new system.

There is the excitement as others gather for the proverbial “flip the switch” moment. The applause and high fives for people who have been working hard towards this moment for many months. The appreciation from operations leaders on hand.

There is the wait for the first user calls and tickets to roll in. The wondering if all the planning for the command center and support structure was on target.

There is the settling in as ticket volume increases, teams start working them, and tickets start getting resolved.

There are the periodic reports from operational leaders who are rounding on the floors. They report on the pulse of staff who are dealing with a new system while trying to care for patients. They report on the issues that seem most problematic.

There is the dashboard monitoring to see which teams are getting the most tickets and whether adjustments in staffing need to be made. There is the ongoing review of tickets to ensure they are prioritized appropriately. Continue reading

Working together, we improve people’s lives

That’s the vision of the University of Vermont Health Network (UVMHN) where I’m currently serving as the interim Chief Technology Officer. It’s a simple but powerful statement and a great reminder of the canstockphoto10098870 (1) working togetherimportance of “we” and the work we do together. With our major Epic go live less than two months away, we are constantly reminded what a critical foundational  piece the common, integrated EHR is for the health network. No pressure!

I described the scope of our Epic project in my post “Crunch time and why IT matters” and shared stories from our 90-day Go Live Readiness Assessment (GLRA) in my post “IT takes a village”. Our 60-day GLRA was a few days ago. Dr. John Brumsted, UVMHN CEO, and the presidents from the hospitals and the medical group kicked off the day thanking everyone involved and describing what the common, integrated EHR will mean for our patients. And as Dr. Brumsted noted, the Epic project is the biggest undertaking to date for the organization as an integrated network.

UVMHN is not the first nor the last organization on the journey to create an integrated care delivery system to serve the patients in a region.  To be a truly integrated network, common values and strong relationships are key. Continue reading

Another opportunity to be generous

Hurricane Dorian has dominated the news cycle for the past week. As this powerful storm moves up the east coast, we are learning the scale of devastation and human suffering in the Bahamas. The pictures canstockphoto18234898and stories of survivors are heartbreaking.

It is a humanitarian crisis that requires an international response. With airports under water, their lifeline for the basics of safe drinking water, food and supplies is extremely limited. Health workers are on the ground doing what they can.

There are many ways to give. I encourage you to find a relief organization that you can support and give generously.

As you think about those affected by this devastation, be thankful for the everyday heroes who are helping with the rescue and recovery operation as they so often do.

Related Posts:

Everyday heroes among us

Humanitarian crisis, American crisis

HIEs matter

Crunch time and why IT matters

It’s crunch time. Every day counts. Can’t miss a deadline. All hands-on deck. Go live readiness assessments (GLRA). If you work in health IT and have been through a major EHR implementation, canstockphoto60328456 (1) EHR UVMHNyou’ve heard all these phrases.

At the University of Vermont Health Network (UVMHN), the Epic Wave 1 go live is less than 5 months away. The University of Vermont Medical Center (UVMMC) has been on Epic for inpatient and ambulatory core clinicals for years. Wave 1 includes the full revenue cycle, lab and anatomic pathology, radiology, OR and anesthesia, cardiology, ophthalmology, orthopedics, behavioral health, rehab, wound care, infection control, and predictive analytics at UVMMC.

Wave 1 also includes the first Epic implementations at three Vermont and New York hospitals in the network starting with ambulatory systems for billing and clinical functions. Waves 2 (2020) and 3 (2021) will be the full suite of inpatient systems at those same hospitals – Central Vermont Medical Center in Berlin, Vermont; Porter Medical Center in Middlebury, Vermont; and Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital in Plattsburgh, New York. Yet to be scheduled are Elizabethtown Community Hospital in Elizabethtown, New York; Alice Hyde Medical Center in Malone, New York; and Home Health and Hospice.

The core infrastructure is largely in place to support the November 1st go live though we have more to do at the device level. Over 10,000 users will be trained in a 6-week period. The first GLRA at 120 days pre go-live is coming up soon.

When I saw Epic on the agenda for the UVMMC quarterly leadership meeting, I assumed it was a project status update. How wrong I was. Continue reading

Partnering for your health

You go to a conference, hear many great speakers, take some notes, learn about some new firms, make new connections, and catch up with colleagues. There are usually one or two key takeaways. Those btn_epatient_spm (002)stories or presentations that make a significant impression on you.

At the New England HIMSS Chapter Annual Spring Conference this week, that moment came during the session by Dave DeBronkart, known as e-Patient Dave, and Dr. Daniel (Danny) Sands, his primary care physician and faculty member at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Together they were two of the twelve founders of the Society for Participatory Medicine and the inaugural co-chairs.

Prior to the conference, I knew who e-Patient Dave was and had seen him on social media, but I had never heard his personal story nor met him. Their session demonstrated the power of storytelling at its best. Now I understand why Dave is so passionate about patient engagement.

Their session, “Hot or Not? A Doctor and Patient Role-Play the Archaic and the Modern Way to Engage” was a combination of role play and presentation. Dave started by describing the moment when he was diagnosed with a stage 4 cancer in 2007 following an incidental finding from a shoulder x-ray. He learned early in his journey that the median time left for a patient with his diagnosis was 24 weeks. He thought then that he had at most 6 months to live. That got my attention!

Their role play illustrated what may be the typical patient – physician interaction vs what should be a true patient – physician partnership. They covered communications (email, texting), patients doing their own online research and sharing information with their physician, timely access to results on a patient portal, and disease specific online support groups.

The Society for Participatory Medicine focuses on the power of partnership between patients/families and clinicians. They describe “Participatory Medicine” as a movement in which patients and health professionals actively collaborate and encourage one another as full partners in healthcare. They believe this leads to improved health outcomes, greater satisfaction, and lower costs. Continue reading

IT matters – why I work in healthcare

42,000 steps later and HIMSS19 is behind me. Heard insightful and moving speakers at the CHIME CIO Forum. Co-presented with Pam Arora on the relationship between IT and HTM. Sponsored the networking breakfast at the career fair. Facilitated a roundtable at the mentor meetup. Interviewed by Bill Russell for his This Week in Health IT podcast HIMSS series. Walked the exhibit hall. Had many great conversations with new and old colleagues. And promoted our new StarBridge Advisors service, C-change, receiving lot of positive feedback and enthusiasm.

Did I meet my HIMSS19 goals? Yes. Now it’s time for all the follow-up.

In the first two days I was reminded numerous times why I work in healthcare. The CIO Forum planning committee made some bold speaker decisions this year and I applaud them for it. The day included some very personal and touching stories. Continue reading

Polar vortex – yet hospitals remain open

10 states in the Midwest cancelled postal service. Schools were closed for days. Transportation was slowed due to the bitter cold. The frigid cold was blamed for at least 9 deaths. If you live in one of theopen states that had temperatures as cold as -25 or -35 with windchills lower than -50 and you could stay inside or work from home, you probably did. But hospital employees in all those states did what they do every day. They somehow made it into work and cared for others. Because hospitals never close. People need them even more at times of extreme weather conditions.

I grew up in Minnesota and except for a few years in the 1990’s, I have always lived in the north. Growing up, we had many bitter cold days and many feet of snow every winter. I remember back then trying to get my head around the concept of windchill when I first heard a number like -60. Growing up in Minnesota you learned to deal with cold and snow. But this is different. With global warming (yes, I believe it is real and we must address) we now see very extreme temperatures in both summer and winter and more frequent, more dangerous and disastrous storms.

I’ve written about every day heroes in previous posts. Hospital employees are certainly on that list! In appreciation of all they do every day, even on the coldest of winter days, I share again a post I wrote a few years ago while serving as a CIO in Michigan after a major blizzard.

Snow days and everyday heroes

If you live in the north, you know about snow days. Your kids feel cheated if there aren’t a few each winter. Parents juggle to find backup plans when school closings are announced. If your employer is quick to close when there is a major storm or tells you to work from home you may breathe a sigh of relief.  You’re just glad that you don’t have to get up at the crack of dawn to shovel out your driveway and try to get down your unplowed street.

But hospitals never close, nor can they or should they. The everyday heroes I want to recognize are everywhere at the University of Michigan Health System. The nurses who pulled a double shift because their colleagues couldn’t make it in to relieve them. The support staff throughout the hospital who ensure patients are cared for, in a safe, clean environment. The diligent teams who ensure there are meals for patients and staff.  There are too many to mention but just think about all the hospital staff you see on a normal day – they all keep the hospital operating like nothing happened.
Continue reading