A year of blogging. . .

People often ask me, “How do you find time to write”? I have been writing this blog every week for over a year. A very senior leader in our organization who always compliments my writing told me recently, “If you can find time to write it, then I can find time to read it”. I appreciate all the comments on the posts where people share their own perspective and stories.

It is a weekly discipline. But knowing that the content is appreciated and has an impact keeps me going. Writing has also been a great method of reflection for me – Hansei as the Japanese call it.

I guess with over 450 subscribers and more than 27,000 views to date, it’s more than just my family and closest friends who are reading it – that’s all most bloggers ask for.

Regular subscribers get an email notification for each new post. Beyond that, how do I reach readers? I promote each post through the usual social media channels – Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter — each of which has its own particular audience. I also promote my posts through Next Wave Connect, a social media platform focused on health care.  I’m grateful to Anthony Guerra and Kate Gamble at HealthSystemCIO.com for re-posting most of my blog entries; my CIO colleagues who aren’t connected on social media will see them there. And now I publish some posts directly on LinkedIn at the request of one of my connections. He said it would make it easier to share with all of his connections.

I am grateful to all my readers, old or new, regular subscriber or casual reader. I am honored by your interest.

Here are my top 10 blog posts based on total views in case you missed them or want to share with others:

  1. MiChart summer interns
  2. Three days and counting
  3. Operation baby blanket
  4. Stand out at the interview
  5. Great techspectations for the inpatient experience
  6. Values in action
  7. Go beyond the golden rule for great customer service
  8. Leadership huddles: not just another meeting
  9. Importance of rounding or going to the “gemba”
  10. Balancing career and family

But different channels show differing interests. If I also count the views through HealthSystemCIO.com, “Balancing career and family” and “Leadership huddles: not just another meeting” would move into the top 5. It is interesting what my CIO colleagues find useful.

And if I counted in the additional views from the few posts published directly on LinkedIn, “Stand out at the interview” would be a clear number 2.  In addition, two other posts would have made it into the top 10 – “So you didn’t get the job” and “Where do new ideas come from?”

We’ve made some improvements over the year. We added the usual “share” buttons you expect with social media. And as of a few months ago, all posts are organized into one or more categories so you can more easily find them. The categories are:

I will continue to cover a range of topics as I have for the past year. And I am always open to suggestions and comments!


Next Wave Connect


6 thoughts on “A year of blogging. . .

  1. Kate Gamble on said:

    Congrats on your first year, Sue! I really admire that you not only take the time to write, but that you’re willing to be so transparent. Not always easy, I know!

    Thank you, as always, for letting us share your pieces with our readers. Here’s to more great years!

    -Kate Gamble, healthsystemCIO.com

  2. Laurita on said:

    Congratulations on this milestone Sue. Your blogs share ideas, inform, inspire and provide insight. Thank you for the pleasant moments I experience when I read them. Please be encouraged to continue. You are certainly setting a higher bar for leadership and I am grateful.

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