It’s the time of year for top 10 lists and countdowns so I’m adding mine to the mix. These are my most read blog posts from 2018. If you missed any of them first time around now is your chance to check them out.
I cover a range of topics and it looks like readers appreciate the variety. Here are the top 10 as measured by total views with a countdown from number 10:
#10 – Find your voice, a mentor and be bold – Career advice is always a popular topic whether you are early or late in your career.
#9 – What does a high value conference look like? – There are many ways to spend time and money on professional development, some conferences provide unique value.
#8 – Family ties – we all have a story – It’s important to know where we come from to understand who we are.
#7 – Technology making a difference at scale – One of my personal favorites! The power of technology takes many forms. In Africa, drones can be lifesaving.
#6 – 8 Signs of a strong security culture – Security is always a topic of interest as threats continue to increase and organizations are challenged to keep up. Continue reading